
  • 网络mt. mang
  1. 莽山乔木的最大胸径、胸高断面积之和与海拔呈明显的负相关性,而立木密度的变化规律不明显。

    On Mt. Mang , maximum DBH and basal area showed significantly negative correlations with altitude while stem density did not change significantly with altitude .

  2. 在海拔1000m以下的常绿阔叶林群落和1700m以上的山顶矮林群落,莽山乔木的物种丰富度均明显高于猫儿山。

    Tree species richness on Mt. Mang was obviously higher than that of Mt. Mao ′ er in the evergreen broad-leaved forests below 1000 m and in brushwoods above 1700 m.

  3. 湖南莽山国家级自然保护区蛇类的多样性

    Ophidian diversity in national Mt. mang nature reserve , Hunan

  4. 莽山土壤特性研究

    A study on the characteristics of Mangshan mountainous soils

  5. 莽山和猫儿山的植被类型差异不大,但相同植被类型的物种组成有比较明显的差异。

    Floristic composition , but not vegetation type , differed greatly between these two mountains .

  6. 湖南省莽山的植被

    The vegetation of mangshan , Hunan Province

  7. 湖南莽山和广东南岭两国家森林公园的叶蜂区系

    Fauna of Sawfly from Mangshan National Park in Hunan and Nanling National Park in Guangdong

  8. 莽山茶区引种的乌龙茶品种特性及其制茶品质比较研究

    Comparative Study of Variety Properties and Tea-making Quality of the Oolong Tea Introduced into Mangshan Tea Area

  9. 湖南莽山自然保护区的水生维管束植物&多样性及其生境特征

    The diversity of aquatic vascular plants and the characteristics of its habitats in Mangshan Nature Reserve , Hunan , China

  10. 并以宜凤高速莽山连接线(黄沙至莽山)项目为例验证评价模型的可行性。

    Moreover , it takes Yifeng Highway Project Mangshan Connections ( Huangsha to MangShan ) for example , to verify the feasibility of the evaluation model .

  11. 县级林场可持续林业建设研究Ⅱ湖南莽山林管局可持续林业建设综合评价结果及对策

    A Construction Study of County-Level Forestry with Sustainable Forestry Methods ⅱ The synthetical evaluation and tactics of Mangshan Forestry Management Bureau in Hunan Province with sustainable forestry methods

  12. 对湖南莽山33种树种叶片的燃烧物理学特征值进行测定的基础上,分折了各种燃烧物理学特性对各树种燃烧的影响,确定了不同特征值的权重。

    The physical burning characteristics values of leaves from 33 species of trees were determined in the laboratory for the purpose of choosing trees for fire protective forest belts .

  13. 莽山表层土壤有机碳库储量的空间分布特征本大体上为东、南、西三面山地高,中部起伏分布格局。

    The spatial distribution of surface soil organic carbon storage is similar to the characteristics of this largely high mountain for the east , south , and west sides . 4 .

  14. 而今,这里的瑶民每逢重要的节日还依然传承着他们独有的民族风俗。莽山瑶族种类大致有过山瑶与八排瑶两大类。

    Today , the Yao nationality people still inherited their unique ethnic customs at every important festival . Generally , there are two types of Mang Mountain categories , Shan Yao and Eight Rows of Yao .