
  • 网络cryogenic separation
  1. NGL深冷分离装置的火用分析方法及应用

    Exergy analysis and application for NGL cryogenic separation plant

  2. 氮氧化物在深冷分离过程中的危险性分析

    Risk analysis of nitrogen oxides in cryogenic separation process

  3. 天然气深冷分离装置中CO2的冻结计算

    Freezing Calculation of CO_2 in Natural Gas Deep Refrigerating Separation Equipment

  4. 乙烯深冷分离工艺中LNG冷能的利用

    Utilization of Cryogenic Energy of LNG in Ethylene Cryogenic Separation Process

  5. 采用ASPEN系统模拟软件对某空分流程的设计工况和实际工况进行了模拟计算,其结果可以为空气深冷分离的设计和操作提供可靠的参考数据。

    Design and real process of air separation flowsheet were simulated on the basis of ASPEN software system . The results can provide reliable data for the design and operation of cryogenic air separation device .

  6. 文章接着介绍了已经工业化的和尚未工业化的几种炼厂气分离回收方法,如深冷分离法、膨胀机法、ARS法、中冷油吸收分离法、络合吸收法、化学吸附法等。

    This article continued to introduce several separation processes such as cryogenic process , expander process , ARS process , middle low temperature oil absoption process , complexation process and chemical adsorption process etc.

  7. 天然气深冷分离装置的火用分析及用能改进建议

    Exergy analysis and improvement proposal for natural gas liquid cryogenic separation plant

  8. 乙烯装置深冷分离系统的优化和改进

    Process Improvement of Chilling Separate System in Ethylene Plant

  9. 深冷分离技术能耗高,装置投资大;

    The energy consumption and investment of deep cold separation technology were very high ;

  10. 乙烯装置中尾气膨胀制冷及对深冷分离的影响

    Expansion Refrigeration of Tail Gas in Ethylene Plant and Its Effect on Cryogenic Separation

  11. 异步交流发电机制动的透平膨胀机在天然气深冷分离中的应用

    Application of turbo expander braked by asynchronous AC generator in cryogenic separating of natural gas

  12. 油田气深冷分离工艺的选择

    Optimizing Oilfield Gas Cryogenic Separation Process

  13. 油田气深冷分离装置膨胀机模拟计算模型的研究

    The research for some models in the simulating computation of expander for cryogenic separation system of oil field gas

  14. 本文提出了一个新的催化裂化干气氢烃分离工艺流程&膜分离与深冷分离联合的工艺流程。

    A novel membrane-cryogenic integrated process has been proposed to separate hydrogen and hydrocarbon from catalytic cracking dry gas .

  15. 文章以增加脱乙烷塔工艺流程和深冷分离工艺流程两种不同的方案,来分析研究提高液化石油气回收率的经济性。

    This paper discussed the economy of increasing LPG recovery rate with two different schemes of increasing processes in de-ethane tower and cryogenic separation processes .

  16. 由于它们具有净化度高、流程简单和能量消耗少等优点,故有取代传统的湿法和深冷分离净化工艺的趋势。

    These two techniques tend to replace conventional gas purification techniques such as absorption process and cryogenic gas separation process because they are characterized by high efficiency of purification , simplicity of process and less energy consumption .

  17. 经过近10年的探索、研究与实践,在国内最先发现并确认了采用深冷法分离空气生产的氪气与氙气中存在着三种氟化物杂质。

    After a decade of investigation , research and practice , three fluoride impurities which are contained in Kr and Xe separated from air by cryogenic method are found and confirmed for the first time in the country .

  18. 介绍了应用HYSIM对深冷法空气分离制备高纯氮设备的流程模拟。

    This work has been made with HYSIM for process simulating of producing high purity N2 via air separation by heavy cooling .

  19. 最后以大型深冷式空气分离设备的需求分析为实例,对上述方法的应用进行了说明。

    The method 's application was demonstrated by large-scale deep cooling air-separating plant 's demand analysis .

  20. 由活性氧化铝和分子筛吸附剂组成的双层床吸附器是深冷法空气分离设备中实现原料空气净化的重要设备。

    Dual-bed adsorber consisting of activated alumina and molecular sieve is one of the most important equipment used in cryogenic air separation unit for feed air prepurification .