
shā shānɡ wǔ qì
  • antipersonnel weapon
  1. 手持式面杀伤武器动力学模型分析

    Dynamic Analysis for a Structural Model of Portable Area Antipersonnel Weapon

  2. 反辐射武器是一种利用雷达辐射的电磁波,发现、跟踪并摧毁雷达系统的硬杀伤武器。

    The anti-radiation weapon is a kind of hard antipersonnel weapon which discoverys , traces and destroys the radars by making use of the radar radiations .

  3. 有组织的或受控作为僵尸网络,这些系统本质上是Internet大规模杀伤武器。

    Organized and controlled as botnets , these systems are essentially Internet weapons of mass destruction .

  4. 传奇投资者沃伦·巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)曾将衍生品形容为大规模金融杀伤武器。

    Warren Buffett , the legendary investor , described derivatives as financial weapons of mass destruction .

  5. 科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)就萨达姆的大规模杀伤武器计划向联合国所做的陈述软弱无力,这颇为令人尴尬。

    Colin Powell 's feeble presentation to the United Nations about Saddam 's WMD programme was an embarrassment .

  6. 手持式点面杀伤武器结构模型及优化

    The structure model and optimization of portable point and area weapon

  7. 相反,他们创造了几乎毁掉整个世界的金融大规模杀伤武器。

    Instead , they produced financial weapons of mass destruction that almost destroyed the world .

  8. 人们在2004年明确得知,萨达姆曾经拥有的所有大规模杀伤武器都在上世纪90年代销毁了。

    By2004 , it was clear that any WMD Saddam Hussein possessed had been destroyed in the1990s .

  9. 该模型依据单兵点面杀伤武器的特殊要求,在整体布局上突破了传统自动武器的结构模式。

    The traditional structure model is broken through in structure according to particular requirement of portable point and area weapon .

  10. 该技术是由美国空军研究实验室和美国国防部非杀伤武器联合董事会合作研发的。

    The technology was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense 's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate .

  11. 反辐射导弹作为电子战中的一种硬杀伤武器,战术应用范围广,突防能力强。

    As a hard killing weapon in electronic warfare , the antiradiation missile is wide in tactical application , strong in penetration .

  12. 导电纤维弹是近年来出现的专门攻击电力系统的软杀伤武器。

    Electro-conductive fibre bomb is a soft-killing weapon that is arisen in recent years for the special purpose of attacking power system .

  13. 反辐射导弹是电子战中重要的杀伤武器,它能有效地摧毁敌方的雷达。

    The Anti-Radiation-Missile ( ARM ) is an important lethal weapon in the electronic war . It can destroy the enemy radars effectively .

  14. 同时人类给全球环境带来的冲击-温室效应,大规模杀伤武器等等-也是史无前例的。

    And the human impact on the global environment -- greenhouse warming , mass extinctions and so forth -- is unprecedented , too .

  15. 火箭战像是两种恐怖大规模杀伤武器的结合,不啻为极为疯狂的构思。

    Placing two such weapons of rampant destruction , the Elephant and rockets together can only be the work of a soon to be hated madman !

  16. 然而,尽管美国军人和武器专家组对伊拉克农村地区进行了全面的搜寻,但并没有找到任何大规模杀伤武器。

    But no weapons of mass destruction were ever found , despite thorough searches of the Iraqi countryside by U.S. soldiers and teams of weapons specialists .

  17. 反辐射无人机作为电子战中一种新兴的硬杀伤武器已经成为重要的突防力量。

    As a new hard kill weapon in the electronic warfare ( EW ), the anti-radiation unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ) has become an important defense penetration force .

  18. 这场战争的目的是推翻被美国及其盟友指称拥有并积极研制大规模杀伤武器的萨达姆政权。

    The objective was to topple Saddam Hussein 's dictatorship - accused by the United States and its coalition partners of possessing and actively developing weapons of mass destruction .

  19. 这是一个广为人理解的术语,或者你会认为大规模杀伤武器正在扩散,令人恐惧,而它就在你身边的电影院里。

    This is now a universally understood term or you might think WMD is proliferating , it 's deeply frightening , and it 's coming to a cinema near you .

  20. 分析了机载软硬杀伤武器系统的战术使用方式和有效作用空域,给出了软硬杀伤武器系统在空间上的协同使用准则。

    The tactical operation and effective zone of the softkill and hardkill weapon systems were analyzed , and the coordination criteria of the softkill and hardkill weapon systems were presented .

  21. 自主武器的威胁在于人们会利用其作为一种穷人的大规模杀伤武器——穷人的核武器。

    The risk with autonomous weapons is that people will use them as a kind of poor man 's weapon of mass destruction - a poor man 's nuclear weapon .

  22. 布什政府声称,根据预防性原则,拥有大规模杀伤武器的敌人在使用这些武器前就可以被攻击。

    Under the pre-emption doctrine , touted by the Bush Administration , an enemy that is in the process of acquiring weapons of mass destruction can be attacked before using those weapons .

  23. 利用纳米级铝粉在与燃油混合后的特殊效应实现了对吸气式发动机的毁伤,是探索纳米级弥漫粉剂软杀伤武器的关键技术。

    Using the special effectiveness to blended nanometer aluminum powder and fuel to realize the damage to engine , is a pivotal technique to seek after the characteristic of nanometer aluminum powder .

  24. 某个设施中与大规模杀伤武器有关的专家于一月中旬被命令停止工作,在家中回避核查人员。

    In the middle of January , experts at one facility that was related to weapons of mass destruction , those experts had been ordered to stay home from work to avoid the inspectors .

  25. 通过对现代战争中反舰导弹面临的导弹末制导雷达对抗技术、光电对抗技术和电子硬杀伤武器的分析,重点阐述了反舰导弹突防抗干扰技术。

    Through analysis of terminal guidance radar counter technology , electro-optical counter technology and electronic hard kill weapon confronted by anti-warship missile in the modern sea battle , countermeasure technology of anti-warship missile is introduced .

  26. 在伊拉克战争爆发前夜,《旗帜周刊》的编辑在一份颇为自鸣得意的社评中写道:“在大规模杀伤武器问题上,战争本身将澄清谁是对的,谁是错的。”

    In a notably smug editorial written on the eve of the war with Iraq , the editors of the weekly standard wrote : " the war itself will clarify who was right and who was wrong about weapons of mass destruction . "

  27. 防护结构指能够抵抗预定杀伤武器破坏作用的工程结构,目前常见的野战防护结构大多由钢筋、混凝土材料筑成,并设置了各类尺寸的孔口供射击、观察、通风和出入使用。

    Protective structures are engineering structures that are used to resist destructive weapons . Protective structures used in field operations are often constructed by steel and concrete , and different sizes of holes are set for shooting , watching , ventilation and access .

  28. 这份决议草案将在国会进行讨论并投票,草案中指出,军事打击叙利亚的目标应该是“阻止、破坏、防止以及降低未来使用化学武器或其他大规模杀伤武器的可能性”。

    The draft resolution , to be debated and voted in Congress , states that the objective of military strikes on Syria should be to " deter , disrupt , prevent and degrade the potential " for future uses of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction .

  29. Weaponofmassdistraction这个表达是对weaponofmassdestruction(大规模杀伤性武器)一词完美的双关演绎,后者(通常用复数形式)曾被美国方言协会选为2002年的年度词汇。

    Weapon of mass distraction is a pun-perfect play on weapon of mass destruction . The latter phrase ( in its plural2 form ) was voted word of the year for 2002 by the American Dialect Society .

  30. 由于使用早期版本的Google地球软件,被派往伊拉克搜索大规模杀伤性武器的联合国核查员错误的降落在撒哈拉沙漠中。

    Apparently the UN Inspectors who were searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq never actually made it to Iraq .