
  • Superwoman;Wonder Woman;Supergirl
  1. 此外,哥伦比亚广播公司正涉足超级英雄领域,即将推出一部被寄予厚望的《女超人》(Supergirl)。该剧计划在周一晚上播出。

    The network is entering the superhero realm with a show it has high hopes for , " Supergirl , " which will go into that Monday night slot .

  2. 你认为猫女郎还是女超人会赢?

    Who do you think would win in a fight , Catwoman or supergirl ?

  3. 这就是我的梦想,做一个女超人。

    That 's my dream , to be a super woman .

  4. 赛勒斯说,真实的女超人应该就是杰特这个样子。

    Ms. Jett is what Superwoman really should be , Ms. Cyrus said .

  5. 我不得不使自己成为一个女超人。

    Going to have to be a superwoman .

  6. 她说她对人们期望她成为一个女超人已相当厌倦了。

    She said that she was tired of being expected to be a superwoman .

  7. 但我无法成为你想要的女超人!

    But I can 't be the superwoman that you want me to be !

  8. 这个姿势是媒体一般称为“神力女超人”的姿态。

    This one has been dubbed the " Wonder Woman " by the media .

  9. 有报道称性感女超人将在美国万圣节大受欢迎。

    Sexy superhero costumes are reportedly going to be big in the US this Halloween .

  10. 艾文:对啊,她还真像个女超人,你说是?

    Elvin : Yeah , she is some kind of Superwoman , isn 't she ?

  11. 但你不是女超人,所以记住也为自己腾出点时间来!

    But you 're not superwoman , so remember to take time out for yourself too !

  12. 我的小女超人是不可战胜的。

    Nothing stops my little supergirl .

  13. 我们得做个‘女超人’。

    We have to be superwoman .

  14. 因为一个活生生的女超人在平安夜的北京大街上现身,帮助那些穷困潦倒的人。

    For that was the day a real-life superhero walked the streets of the city , helping out the poor .

  15. 一个能展现明朝“女超人”非凡故事的坟墓在中国南京得到挖掘。

    A tomb that tells the remarkable story of aMing Dynasty ' superwoman ' has been uncovered in Nanjing , China .

  16. 但即使女超人也有极限,当她到达极限时,公司就只能靠分解工作和扩充员工来进行调整。

    But even superwoman has a limit , and when she hits it , organizations adjust by breaking up jobs and adding staff .

  17. 我们必须停止这么做,不能让女超人的形象只出现在针对女孩儿的、可爱的、粉嘟嘟的T恤上。

    We have to stop making it so that the only female superheroes appear on shirts that are pink and cut for girls .

  18. 下个月将庆祝三十二岁的生日的珍妮佛罗培兹将在剧中饰演一名「改行」当心理医师的女超人。

    Jennifer Lopez , who will celebrate her 32nd birthday next month , will play the role of a superhero " turned " shrink in the comedy .

  19. 因为一个活生生的女超人在平安夜的北京大街上现身,帮助那些穷困潦倒的人。她自称中国紫荆女侠。

    For that was the day a real-life superhero walked the streets of the city , helping out the poor . She calls herself the Chinese Redbud Woman .

  20. 续集将紧接上一部故事的结尾,不过会将焦点更多地放在弹力女超人自己的探险之旅上,因为超能先生将在家看小杰克,一个目前还不知道拥有哪种超能力的小宝宝。

    The sequel will pick up right where the last one ended , however this film will focus more on Elastigirl going on her own adventure , while Mr. Incredible stays home to watch Jack-Jack , a baby with currently unknown super abilities .

  21. 管理上的懒惰导致这种方式未能更广泛得以实施:较之以具体项目来安排工作,找到一个主管市场(还可以无限加班)的女超人来得更容易。

    One reason this doesn 't happen more is managerial laziness : It 's easier to find a ' superwoman ' to lead marketing ( someone who will work as long as humanly possible ) than it is to design work around discrete projects .