
  • 网络feminist art
  1. 格里赛尔达·波洛克(GriseldaPollock)是重要的西方第二代女性主义艺术史家,是一位具有代表性的人物。

    Griselda Pollock is an important and a representative of the second generation feminist art historian in the West .

  2. 美国当代女性主义艺术理论研究

    A Survey of Contemporary Feminist Art Theory in the United States

  3. 第三,分析女性主义艺术创作的动机。

    At last , the motivation of the compose of Feminist Art .

  4. 从女性主义艺术看艺术中的女性话语

    Female Words In Arts - from the Arts of Feminism

  5. 拓展当代中国女性主义艺术本土化的发展。

    The paper has also expanded the nationalizing development of the contemporary Chinese feminism art .

  6. 分析当代中国女性主义艺术面临的困境,并探寻其出路问题。

    Analyzed the predicament confronted by the contemporary Chinese feminism art and explored the ways out .

  7. 女性主义艺术实践、艺术评论研究都还处在相对贫乏、边缘的状态。

    The practice and theory of the feminist arts are flat in the edge of the field .

  8. 在中国已经存在女性主义艺术,并经历了自语式的萌芽期和自我式的雏形期。

    Feminist art has existed in China , and it has experienced soliloquy-form germination stage and self-style-form embryonic period .

  9. 在中国乃至世界美术领域,女性主义艺术批评缺乏学理上系统梳理和人类学意义上的建设性省思。

    In the art field in China and the world , the feminist lack of the research and construction .

  10. 在西方,它已经在学术上被理论家认定为一种后现代艺术思潮,形成女性主义艺术和流派。

    In the West , it has been regarded by theorists as a post-modernism thoughts , forming femalism arts and schools .

  11. 本文以开创性的学术建设为世界女性主义艺术理论研究做出贡献。

    This thesis does a contribution to the feminist theories in the field of the world by the creative and constructive consideration .

  12. 通过分析当下的展览和访谈,寻找中国女性主义艺术的视觉文本走向。

    By analyzing the current exhibition and interviews , this paper will try to find visual text trend of the Chinese feminist art .

  13. 第二部分,当代中国女性主义艺术的发展现状及面临的困境与出路问题。

    Part two is about the current situation of development of contemporary Chinese feminism art and the predicament being confronted and the ways out .

  14. 论文的研究成果:第一部分,西方女性主义艺术的起源及当代西方女性主义艺术的发展历程。

    The researching result of the paper : Part one is about the origin of western feminism art and the developing course of contemporary western feminism art .

  15. 从女性主义艺术这个名词的出现直至今日,人们对于女性主义艺术的关注从来都没有停止过。

    Since the emergence of the term " feminist art ", people have never stopped concerning about the feminist art . Female art , or feminist art ?

  16. 辛蒂.雪曼的《无题电影停格》系列(1977-80),一直被视为女性主义艺术与后现代主义摄影的里程碑。

    Cindy Sherman 's Untitled Film Stills ( 1977-80 ) are a landmark body of work in the history of both the Feminist Art and postmodern photography .

  17. 在中国绘画界也开始出现女性主义艺术和自谓的女性主义艺术家,并被部分艺术理论家、评论家所接受和认可。

    In the Chinese painting circle , female art and so-called female artists began to show up and they have been accepted and recognized by some art theorist and critics .

  18. 通过对当代女性主义艺术独特性的探讨,开启当代女性主义艺术的独特空间。提升当代女性群体的文化意识。

    Through the discussion of the unique features of contemporary feminism art , the paper has opened up a special space of contemporary feminism art and promoted the cultural conscious of contemporary feminine group .

  19. 论文的研究目标:本篇论文将从全面、客观的角度考察当代西方女性主义艺术的起源和发展历程以及当代中国女性主义艺术发展的现状;

    The researching object : From the comprehensive and objective angle , the paper has inspected the origin and developing course of the contemporary western feminism art and the current situation of development of contemporary Chinese feminism art ;

  20. 首先,女大学生要通过自身的努力,在树立正确合理的人生观、价值观的同时,掌握一定的关于女性主义艺术的知识,建构自己的思想理念。

    First , female students through their own efforts , in a correct and reasonable outlook on life and values at the same time , possess a certain amount of Feminist Art on the knowledge , and build their own ideas .

  21. 女性主义艺术作为女性主义和女性觉醒的产物,在现今的世界范围内已不再是一个新鲜的话题,但以女性主义作为研究视角审视舞蹈艺术在我国的舞蹈理论界却并不多见。

    The feminist art as the outcome of feminism and women awakening , it is no longer a fresh topic today ; nevertheless , the dancing theories of regarding feminism as a research perspective to inspect the dance art is rare in our country .

  22. 通过对当代社会两性差异文化现象的论述和当代女性主义艺术创作中女性视角的解读,探寻当代女性主义艺术的独特性,提升当代女性的自身价值和文化价值。

    Through the discussion of cultural differences between the two sexes in contemporary society and the introduction of feminine perspectives in artistic works of contemporary feminism , the paper aims to search the unique features of contemporary feminism art and promote the self-value and cultural value of modern female .

  23. 同时,影片将女性主义理念与艺术技巧巧妙融合,进一步张显了作品的女性主义色彩。

    Meanwhile , the film integrated the feminist ideas and artistic skills , and further conveyed the author 's feminist color .

  24. 探讨当代艺术中,女性主义艺术家在艺术作品创作实践中将逐步开拓,并实现成熟的女性话语的表达。

    Discussion of contemporary art , feminist artists create works of art in the practice will gradually open up and implementation of sophisticated expression of female discourse .

  25. 女性主义与女性艺术在中西两种不同社会文化背景中的差异性,决定了女性主义与女性艺术于中国文化语境中的特殊性界定。

    The differences between Feminism and female in Chinese and Western social and cultural background determine the special boundary between feminism and female arts in Chinese cultural context .

  26. 解构与重建&女性主义批评对现代艺术史的挑战

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction & A Challenge to Modern Art History from Feminist Criticism

  27. 女性主义艺术家努力引导艺术关注女性的特殊的生理与心理状态,提高女性的社会与历史地位。

    Feminist artists try to focus their art on the physical and psychological status of women , and try to raise their social and historical position .

  28. 是女性艺术,还是女性主义艺术,关于两者区别与联系的争论也一直在进行中,众家各抒已见。

    The debate on the differences and relations between female art and feminist art has been in progress , and the public express their different opinions .

  29. 它们产生的原因在于社会体制的变迁与多元文化对女性绘画的促进,受到西方女性主义艺术、消费文化、新的审美风尚的影响,和女性永恒的话题&生育与家庭有关。

    The transition of community organization and several cultural improve female painting is the reason of their outcome , western feminist art , Consumer Culture and new appreciation of the beauty influence them which are always be related to birth and family .

  30. 在女性主义艺术家逐渐成熟的创作过程中,身体、身份和材料这三者将不可回避的作为女性主义艺术的重要特征,同时也是女性主义艺术独特的话语方式。

    Feminist artists in the creative process maturity , The body , The identity and The materials will not be allowed to evade the three feminist art as an important feature of , Feminist Art is also a unique mode of discourse .