
  • 网络feminist criticism;feminism
  1. 从女权主义批评看修辞理论的重建

    Reformulation of Rhetorical Theories from the View of Feminist Criticism

  2. 西方女权主义批评为当代修辞学研究提供了一个新的视角。

    Western feminist criticism provides a new approach to the study of contemporary rhetorical theory .

  3. 《性的政治》是美国女权主义批评代表人物凯特?米利特(KateMillett)于1970年在美国哥伦比亚大学完成的一篇博士论文。

    " Sexual Politics " was the US feminism criticizes representative personage Kate Millet ( Kate Millett ) a doctoral dissertation which completed in the US Columbia University in 1970 .

  4. 19世纪英国女性作家的文学创作与女权主义批评

    On Literary Creation of the 19th-Century British Women Writers and Feminism

  5. 斯皮瓦克和她的后殖民女权主义批评

    Spivak and Her Criticism on the Post Colonial Feminism

  6. 单一粒径均匀悬浮固-液两相流中球泡的动力学方程论女权主义批评应该缓行

    Dynamic Equation of Spherical Bubbles in Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow with Uniformly Suspended Single-diameter Particles

  7. 第二部分是《葛》与后现代女权主义批评理论的互文性关系解读。

    The second part explores the intertextuality between " Ge " and postmodern feminist critical theory .

  8. 就像你们想的那样,她对夏洛蒂勃朗特,的评价一时间在,之后的女权主义批评中饱受争议。

    As you can imagine , what she says about Charlotte Bront ? has been controversial in subsequent feminist criticism .

  9. 简·爱性格的另一面&以女权主义批评解读夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》

    Another Aspect of Jane Eyre s Character & Comment on Charlotte Bronte s " Jane Eyre " from Angle of Feminism ;

  10. 这一点在定位女权主义批评传统第一阶段,夏沃特,埃尔曼,米勒,和其他作家的特点有很大影响。

    All of this is very much in the tradition of that first phase of feminist criticism that Showalter identifies with Ellmann and Millett and others of that generation .

  11. 在这篇论文里,以王安忆小说文本为研究对象,以女权主义批评为研究方法,寻找小说文本中女性寻找自我所经历的迂回艰难的过程。

    Based on the novels by Wang Anyi and facilitated by the theory of the feminism criticism and psych-analysis , the feminist revolutionary course has been graphed in the article .

  12. 男性弱质与父权秩序的倾覆《醒世姻缘传》的女权主义批评他者的微弱呼声西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Man s Feebleness and the Overturn of Patriarchy ── The feminism rebutment of Marriages to Awaken Common People ; Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  13. 本文运用女权主义批评的理论与方法,从三个视角分析现代主义诗歌中的女性意象:一、作为异化大众的女性意象;

    Employing the theories and approaches of feminist criticism , the article analyzes the images of women in Modernism poetry from three perspectives : 1 , images of women as alien public ;

  14. 如果采用女权主义批评视角,我们会发现,我国杰出的现实主义剧作家曹禺,身为男性,却成功地塑造出一系列鲜明生动的女性形象。

    By contrasting with the feminist theory and criticism , we will find that Chao Yu , the outstanding realistic playwright , has managed to portray a series of female images vividly .

  15. 运用女权主义批评理论,对爱玛身上缺乏18世纪父权主流文化倡导的女性美德和才艺进行解读,可以发现其最不完美个性中的另一种内涵。

    On the basis of feminist criticism theory , this essay is aimed at revealing the new connotations of Emma 's personality by analyzing her lacking of feminine virtues and accomplishments which were widely praised in the 18th century .

  16. 美国20世纪黑人女权主义文学批评发展概述

    A Summary on Development of American Feminist Literary Criticism

  17. 女权主义文学批评概论伍尔夫女权主义文学观论

    A Commentary on Woolf 's Concept of Feminist Literature

  18. 随着女性解放运动的发展,女权主义文学批评也应运而生。

    With the development of women 's liberation movement , the feminist literary criticism emerges .

  19. 女权主义文学批评的20年历程

    Feminist Literary Criticism of Twenty-year Processes

  20. 女权主义文学批评之所以不是文学批评是因为它缺少文学批评理论的基本特征。

    The so-called Feminist Criticism is short of almost everything that defines it a literary critical theory .

  21. 女权主义文学批评是一种颇具革命意义的、全新的文学批评模式。

    The literary criticism of feminist is one of the revolutionary and new patterns of the literary criticism .

  22. 随着当代文学批评向文化研究转型,作为一种边缘诗学的女权主义文学批评已逐渐走向中心。

    With the transformation from contemporary literary criticism to cultural research , feminist criticism moves towards the center from border gradually .

  23. 女权主义文学批评是20世纪60年代在西方诞生的一种重要的文学批评范式。

    Feminist literary criticism , as a kind of important literary criticism type in the west , was born in 1960s .

  24. 女权主义文学批评起源与欧洲女权运动,其主要研究文学作品中的女性形象,女性创作以及女性阅读等。

    Feminist literary criticism origins from Europe feminist movement . It mainly studies literary works of women , women writing , women reading and so on .

  25. 女权主义文学批评通过对文学作品的重新审读,重点探讨作品中的女性意识,并着力于对男性文学曲解女性形象的行为进行批判。

    By re-reading literary works , feminist literary criticism is trying to research the feminist consciousness in works and explore the distorted female images in male-authored works .

  26. 本文试从女权主义文学批评理论角度出发,全面解读与分析小说中的象征所包含的丰富意蕴,力求深入理解《紫色》这部长篇小说的主题与思想内涵。

    This thesis tends to analyze and decode the connotation of the symbols in the novel so as to have a better understanding of the theme of the novel .

  27. 她通过对西方白人女性的文学文本所作的后殖民的解读,为女权主义文学批评拓展了新的空间,也使后殖民理论得到了丰富和发展。

    Through her post-colonial interpretation of the literary works of white women in the West , she expanded new space for feministic literary criticism and had the post-colonial theory enriched and developed .

  28. 目前盛行的女权主义文学批评其实并不是文学批评,因此,至少在现阶段,我们应该慎用这一所谓批评方法。

    Feminist Criticism , which is to so popular now , is no literary criticism at all , and it is advisable to suspend its use as a critical approach in literary studies .

  29. 作为一种异质性的存在,女权/女性主义批评自身的性别意识与父权话语一直纠缠不休。

    As the existence of a kind of heterogeneity , female consciousness has being inextricably linked with male discourse all the time in Feminism Criticism .

  30. 西方女性主义文学批评随着对社会性别概念探索的深入大致经历了三个段:女权批评、女性主义批评,女性文化批评。

    The recognition of gender as a social construction has impacted on feminist literary studies most profoundly .