
  • 网络feminist literary criticism;feminist criticism
  1. 文章采用女性主义文学批评理论,从《还乡》中游苔沙与三位男性的纠葛揭示了十九世纪社会盛行的男权主义传统思想对女性的压迫和束缚。

    This thesis is to analyze Eustacia s tragedy in the light of Feminist Criticism and reveals that it is the traditional patriarchalism caused the repression and bondage suffered by women .

  2. 然自世纪之交以来,中国的女性主义文学批评逐渐丧失了上世纪90年代前中期那种广受瞩目的冲击力,陷入困境已成了它现状的真实写照。

    However , since the time of century alternation , Chinese Feminist Criticism had begun to lose its profound impact of 1990s . " Getting in puzzledom " has become the visual portraiture of its actuality .

  3. 多角度观照下的中国女性主义文学批评实践

    The Female Criticism of Literature from Several Angle of Views

  4. 女性主义文学批评的几个关键词在中国的嬗变

    The Evolution of Several Key Words for Feminist Literary Criticism in China

  5. 比较文学视野中的东西方女性主义文学批评

    Eastern and Western feminist literary criticism in the perspective of Comparative Literature

  6. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:现代女性主义文学批评的先驱

    Virginia Woolf : A Precursor of Modern Feminist Literary Criticism

  7. 追求两性之间的和谐共处应该成为女性主义文学批评的目标和理想。

    Gender harmony ought to become the aim and ideal of feminist literary criticism .

  8. 西方女性主义文学批评分为英美学派与法国学派。

    Western feminism literature criticism has been divided into Anglo-American school and French school .

  9. 差异的主体性与语言的异质性&论科拉·卡普兰社会主义女性主义文学批评

    Differentiated Subjectivity and Heterogeneity of Language : On Cora Kaplan 's Socialist Feminist Criticism

  10. 西方女性主义文学批评对中国当代女性写作的影响和意义

    The Influence and Significance of Western Female Literary Criticism on Chinese Contemporary Female Writing

  11. 新时期以来女性主义文学批评的流变

    The Evolution of New Era Feminist Literary Criticism

  12. 女性主义文学批评与中国本土特色

    Feminist Literature Criticism and Chinese Native Characteristic

  13. 论当前中国女性主义文学批评的问题

    On the Chinese Contemporary Feminist Literature Criticism

  14. 并论述了生态女性主义文学批评对中国本土文学批评实践产生的影响。

    Last , we discussed the impact of eco-feminist literary criticism to domestic literary criticism .

  15. 西方女性主义文学批评研究

    Study on Literary Criticism of Western Feminism

  16. 双性同体概念在女性主义文学批评中是作为一种文学的理想境界提出的。

    As an ideal the concept of androgyny was put forward in the feminine literary criticism .

  17. 女性主义文学批评二题

    Two Questions on Feminist Literary Criticism

  18. 女性主义文学批评的走向&谈性别诗学的建构前提

    Trend of the Feminist Literary Criticism

  19. 第一章和第二章运用女性主义文学批评理论对文本进行解读。

    Chapter one and two is the textual study by using the relative theories of feminist criticism .

  20. 西方女性主义文学批评随着对社会性别概念探索的深入大致经历了三个段:女权批评、女性主义批评,女性文化批评。

    The recognition of gender as a social construction has impacted on feminist literary studies most profoundly .

  21. 对于女性主义文学批评的理论未来而言,性别诗学的建构具有十分重要的意义。

    The establishment of gender poetics is of great significance for the future of feminist literary criticism .

  22. 在理论上,它吸取女性主义文学批评的立场和观点,克服了叙事学崇尚形式、疏离文本的缺陷;

    In theory , it assimilate the standpoints of feminine literature criticism , overcome the limitation of narratology ;

  23. 总的来说,英美派女性主义文学批评对中国女性主义文学批评的影响大于法国派。

    Generally speaking , Anglo-American school feminism literature criticism has larger influence to Chinese feminism literature criticism than French school .

  24. 它引入经典叙事学的方法和规则,为女性主义文学批评的话语研究提供了科学、客观的理论体系,避免了女性主义文学批评的政治色彩和批评主观性。

    It use the methods and rules of classical narratology , avoid the political and subjectivity of feminine literature criticism .

  25. 本文是对美国黑人女性主义文学批评思想进行的系统研究。

    This dissertation is meant to make a systematic inquiry into the critical thoughts of black feminist criticism in America .

  26. 第三章节运用女性主义文学批评方法对《了不起的盖茨比》进行文本分析,这一章是本文的中心章节。

    Chapter Three is a textual analysis from the perspective of feminist approach . It is the focus of the thesis .

  27. 第一章主要讨论新时期女性主义文学批评初创期的特点及其这种特点产生的原因。

    Chapter One introduces the features of contemporary feminism at its early stage and reasons for the formation of the features .

  28. 女性主义文学批评的文化立场、批判姿态与批评实践存在着内部矛盾。

    There are innate contradictions in feminine literature criticism in terms of its cultural standpoint , criticism perspective and criticism practice .

  29. 除了传统文化的影响,中西方女性主义文学批评的不同背景是其产生差异的现实原因。

    In addition , the different background between feminist literary criticism in domestic and abroad is another reason leading to divergence .

  30. 本文主要有两个方面内容:一是论述中国女性主义文学批评的兴起与发展;

    This text has two respects a content mainly : First , describe the rise and development of Chinese feminism literary criticism ;