
  • 网络east west;east-west;Est-Ouest
  1. “我不认为在中国及日本的关系的中央问题是通讯或错误通讯”,在最近的会见期间的东方西方中心总裁查尔斯·E·莫里森说。

    I don 't think central issue in Sino-Japanese relations is communication or miscommunication , said Charles E.Morrison , the East-West Center President during a recent interview .

  2. 我可以从所以的旅行中汲取灵感,不论是东方西方、南部北部。

    Lucio Bubacco : I take inspirations in all my trips , from the Orient to the Occident , from the North to the South .

  3. 在他最大规模的系列作品《东方会见西方》里(EastMeetsWest),曾广智既是摄影师又是被摄影的对象。

    In his most extensive series-East Meets West ( also known as The Expeditionary Series ) Tseng was both photographer and subject .

  4. 如果说欧盟(eu)现今扮演的是神圣罗马帝国(holyromanempire)的角色,那么美国就是新拜占庭帝国,在相对式微之际,要同时面对东方与西方。

    If the European Union today plays the part of the Holy Roman Empire , then the US is the new Byzantium , facing both East and West while in a state of relative decline .

  5. 他创作的音乐合并东方与西方,结合传统印尼摇篮曲以及雷鬼经验与早期史提夫·汪达(StevieWonder)的放克(Funk),难以解说他的风格,但他应该成名。

    He makes these East-West blends of music that combine classical Indonesian lullabies with reggae groove and early-days Stevie Wonder funk - it 's hard to explain , but he should be famous .

  6. 这与古希腊作家希罗多德(Herodotus)等人的作品有些相似,希罗多德将注意力放在了连接东方和西方的大陆桥上。

    That found a parallel in the works of authors such as Herodotus , whose attention was likewise on the land bridge that connects east and west .

  7. 东方,西方,谁是世界老大?

    East , west , who is the world 's host ?

  8. 教育与东方或西方无关,它是属于全人类的。

    Education is neither Eastern nor Western , it is human .

  9. 亚洲软包装印刷市场:东方与西方消费者的差异

    Asian Flexible Packaging Printing Market : Difference Between West And Orient

  10. 外汇储备将为东方对西方资产的并购筹措资金。

    Foreign currency reserves will finance the Eastern acquisition of Western assets .

  11. 东方和西方关于礼貌有不同的见解。

    Eastern and Western societies have different ideas about politeness .

  12. 尽管无论在东方还是西方,隐喻研究都有着悠久的历史。但是传统隐喻理论仅仅将隐喻视为一种修辞手法,而忽视了其重要的认知功能。

    Traditional theories restrict the research of metaphor to a rhetorical vehicle .

  13. 在东方与西方之间&春树热的社会背景探析

    Between the East and the West & " Murakami Fever " Analysis

  14. 有这样的力量,东方与西方,尽在掌握。

    Having such powers to hold it east and west .

  15. 东方对西方产生了何种影响?

    What influence has the East had on the west ?

  16. 走向东方或西方,穿越大地或海洋。

    East or west , over earth or by ocean .

  17. 东方与西方的邂逅

    The cul ture meeting between the Oriental and the Occidental

  18. 国泰电视将继续加强之间的桥梁,东方和西方。

    Cathay TV will continue to strengthen the bridge between East and West .

  19. 什么因素造成了东方与西方文明体系的差异?

    What elements make the difference between Eastern and Western systems of civilization ?

  20. 以及东方与西方文化的兼容并蓄。

    As well as Eastern and Western cultural influences .

  21. 东方与西方的话精灵传说!

    The fairy stories of western and eastern legends !

  22. 这一晚的演唱会叫做东方与西方的相遇三位明星的合作。

    The one-night concert was titled East Meets West - Three Stars in Collaboration .

  23. 你们把自己的脸转向东方和西方,都不是正义。

    It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West ;

  24. 北方,南方,东方,西方

    North , south , east , west

  25. 不论是在东方还是西方,许多学者、专家在这一方面都达成了广泛共识。

    It is a broad consensus reached by many scholars in both east and west .

  26. 不论在东方还是西方,它自古就背负着神圣的光环。

    Whether in eastern or western , it is shrouded with the kind of aura .

  27. 无论是东方还是西方,对素质都有激烈的讨论。

    Hot debates on quality have been conducted both in the East and the West .

  28. 这个城市作为连接东方和西方文明的主要贸易枢纽,也十分繁荣。

    The city also prospered as a major trading hub linking Eastern civilizations with Western ones .

  29. 东方与西方历史观的对话&与美国学者萨米尔·皮尔逊就历史观念的探讨

    A Dialogue between East and West : Discussion with American Fulbright Professor Samuel Pearson on Historiography

  30. 东方与西方在这里碰撞。

    East and West meets here .