
  • 网络We Chinese;chinese;We Are Chinese
  1. 我们中国人习惯以姓相称。

    We Chinese are used to calling each other by surnames .

  2. 不过可惜我们中国人永远不会那样尽情欢呼。

    Pity we Chinese will never be dancing in the streets .

  3. 刚出来的……一个刚出来的报告说美国家庭医保的自费部分平均增加了百分之30。(注:Deductible,可扣除部分,税务或保险专用术语。我将之翻译为自费部分,应该对我们中国人来说较好理解。)

    Just -- a report just came out that the average deductible went up 30 percent on American families .

  4. Malley分类学习策略可以被用来很好地描述我们中国人的学习策略。

    What is more , it has verified 0 . Malley 's classifications of learning strategies useful in describing Chinese learning strategies .

  5. 他讲着一口标准的英语,对我们中国人极其友好。

    He spoke fluent English and was very friendly to Chinese .

  6. 2008年是我们中国人自豪的走向世界的一年!

    2008 is a year for us to take massive actions !

  7. 这是被我们中国人称作“会飞的面包”的面包。

    This is what we Chinese call " Flying bread . "

  8. 哦,是我们中国人做的啊。

    Jane : Oh , it is made by our Chinese .

  9. 我们中国人用筷子而不用刀叉。

    We Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks .

  10. 我们中国人有冬季吃补品的习惯。

    We Chinese have a custom of eating tonic food during wintertime .

  11. 它对我们中国人十分重要。

    And it 's important and helpful to us Chinese .

  12. 我们中国人从此站立起来了。

    Ever since then the Chinese people have stood on their feet .

  13. 这是一个我们中国人尤其要关注的问题。

    That is a problem we Chinese must pay special attention to .

  14. 你一直是我们中国人的骄傲。

    You are always the greatest pride of we Chinese .

  15. 我们中国人的弱点是太懂得明哲保身了。

    The trouble with us Chinese is that we are too sensible .

  16. 俄语对我们中国人来说是很难学的一门语言。

    Russian is so difficult a language for us Chinese to learn .

  17. 把头发染成蓝色,这个颜色对于我们中国人来说,可不是什么好颜色。

    Blue is not such a good color for us Chinese people .

  18. 朋友们,我为我们中国人而骄傲自豪!

    Dear friends : I am Chinese and I was proud proud !

  19. 像我们中国人一样,美国人也有许多节日。

    Like our Chinese , American have lots of festivals .

  20. 拥有5000年的文明史,这是我们中国人的骄傲。

    The 5000-year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese .

  21. 我们中国人是个很自豪的民族,这你知道。

    We Chinese are a proud people as you know .

  22. 我们中国人是不好欺侮的。

    We Chinese people are not to be bullied .

  23. 再说了,我们中国人都承认自己不完美!

    Also , we the Chinese do not believe that we are perfect .

  24. 杰克:但这是我们中国人经常问到的事啊!

    Jack : But this is something that Chinese do all the time !

  25. 我们中国人也必须学英语。

    Because we need a common language to communicate .

  26. 我们中国人是很有素质的!

    Our Chinese is really very gentle and polite !

  27. 我们中国人通常在春节前清洁和装饰我们的屋子。

    We Chinese people usually clean and decorate our houses before Spring Festival .

  28. 那是我们中国人坚持了五千年的真理。

    That 's the eternal law that our Chinese have abided for5000 years .

  29. 我们中国人爱好和平讨厌战争。

    We Chinese love peace and hate war .

  30. 这艘船是我们中国人制造的。

    This ship is made by us Chinese .