
  • 网络My stage
  1. 看过这世界,把它点亮做我的舞台

    I 've seen the world , lit it up As my stage now

  2. 为什么你站在我的舞台上?

    Why are you on my stage ?

  3. 暂时还不想离开属于我的舞台。

    And I don 't want to leave the stage just yet .

  4. 梦想的家园,你我的舞台!

    The home to realize your dream , and the stage to show yourselves !

  5. 在我的舞台上城里的每一个人都有一炮而红的机会

    Everyone in this city gets a shot at being a star live on my stage

  6. 这个城市就是我的舞台。

    This city is my stage .

  7. 世界是我的舞台!

    The world is my stage !

  8. 这是我的小舞台,各种POSE任我摆。

    This is my stage . I am the queen of posing .

  9. 我看她的舞台表演和她的私生活一样糟糕。

    I think her stage performance is as bad as her private life .

  10. 我的人生舞台上的每一位朋友,你的爱以及始终如一的奉献支撑我度过每一天。

    To my friends from every stage of my life , your love and ongoing commitment sustained me every single day .

  11. 事实上,我挂念我的舞台剧演出。

    The fact is I missed my stage play .

  12. 使用水印来装饰纸张给了我梦想展示的舞台,让光线与纸张完美结合的梦想。

    Using watermarks to decorate paper gives me a chance to realise my dream of combining light and paper .

  13. 新中国成立后,随着生产资料社会主义改造的完成,剥削阶级退出了我国的历史舞台。

    Ever since the founding of new China in 1949 , exploiting classes have withdrawn from the historical arena with the accomplishment of socialist transformation of means of production .

  14. 他的爸爸气坏了。“让我的儿子上舞台演戏?真丢脸!”他大叫道,“邻居们知道了怎么想?”

    His father was appalled , " A son of mine on the stage ? It 's a disgrace ! " he wailed . " What if the neighbors find out ? "

  15. 我有很好的舞台技巧,这是种本领。

    I 've got good stage skills , a certain flair .

  16. 最不济我还能退出生命的舞台

    At best I can step off my life

  17. 近年随着国家经济政策的激励,中小企业如雨后春笋般展现在我国市场经济的舞台上,在我国的地位也越来越重要。

    Along with the national economic policy incentives , small and medium-sized enterprises in China have mushroomed and play an increasingly important role .

  18. 我的艺术创作介于舞台艺术和视觉艺术之间。我有时制作舞台艺术,之后再将其转化为照片、光盘和或雕刻作品。

    My artistic practice is located between performance art and visual arts . I make performances that are sometimes then translated into photographs , videos and-or sculptural work .

  19. 5月19日,我正在环球剧院的舞台下面修理舞台场地的一扇破门,

    On the 19th of May I was underneath the stage in the Globe . I was trying to mend a bro-ken door in the floor of the stage .

  20. 我的目光移到舞台上方,那里的墙壁上印着一句对你自己忠实。看到这句话,布朗笑了。

    My eyes move to the space above the stage , where the words To thine own self be true are painted on the wall . She looks and laughs .

  21. 而岳飞也由一个真实的历史人物,演变成一个具有丰富内涵的艺术典型,现如今,以各种形式活跃在我国大江南北的戏剧舞台上。现阶段对岳飞的研究已进入成熟期。

    As a historical figure , Yue Fei was shaped into a vivid artistic figure , And his stories was appeared on nationwide drama stages . Now , It is a full mature period to study Yue Fei .

  22. 3月6日,韩国歌手郑淳元在湖南卫视《我是歌手》的舞台上演唱了张惠妹的《听海》。随后,一段由多位著名歌手演绎这首歌的视频迅速登上微博热门榜。

    A video of several renowned singers performing the same song , A-mei 's Listen to the Sea , appeared on Weibo 's hot post rankings soon after South Korean artist The One delivered his version on the stage at Hunan TV 's I 'm a Singer on March 6 .

  23. 我希望我别激动的掉下舞台。

    But I just hope that I don 't fall off the stage .

  24. 首先,我想和大家讲讲我离开快乐男声的舞台之后几个月发生的故事。

    Let me start my blog by telling you my experience for the last few months after leaving Super Boys .

  25. 我必须继续努力,我还没有在我的舞台中展现我的能力。

    I have to keep working hard and I 'm not at the point yet where I 've shown what I can do .

  26. 舞台对我来说并不陌生,可今天我站的这个舞台上,意义非同一般。

    So the performing stage is not strange for me , but today it means a different story when I stand on this stage .

  27. 那时之前,癌(Cancer)是十二宫中的巨蟹座,是我朋友的星座,“期”(stage)是我表演的舞台,“恶性程度”(grade)是我在学校得到的成绩。

    Until then , Cancer was the zodiac sign of my friend , stage was what I performed on , and grades were what I got in school .

  28. 打工不能使我实现我的目标,中国的动画市场将是我展示才华的舞台。

    I can 't realize my dream for finding a job in USA.I can have a better stage to show my talent in China .

  29. 演员凯文·斯贝西:对我来说,那是一段缓慢渐进的转变过程在外人看来也许不是这样,我作为成功的舞台剧演员其实已经有很长一段时间了,也在纽约的舞台剧界颇有名气。

    KEVIN SPACEY , ACTOR : It was a very gradual transition for me . It may not have felt that way if you were on the outside , but on the inside of it I had been working very successfully as a theater actor for a long time and had made a name for myself in New York theater .