
  1. 晚上好,在1959年我出生的那一天,《生命》杂志的一个标题宣布,金星上可能会有生命。

    Good evening , in 1959 , on the day that I was born , a headline in Life magazine proclaimed Target Venus , There May Be Life There .

  2. 所以对这次比赛的准备,我想贯穿了二十年,从我出生的那一天到今天。

    So , the preparation for today 's competition , I think is through the twenty years , from the very day I was born till today .

  3. 我仍清楚地记得我的儿子杰克逊出生的那一天。我们当时在季后赛对阵尼克斯,我们在下午晚些时候刚抵达大苹果城。

    I still vividly remember the day my son Jackson was born.We were in the playoffs against New York and we had just landed in the Big Apple late that afternoon .