
  • 网络Love Travel;Love Brigade
  1. 《呼啸山庄》的另一条主线:苦难中的爱之旅

    Probe into Another Main Theme of Wuthering Heights : Love Journey in Misery

  2. “爱之旅”项鍊,代表的是爱情和生活总是变得更好

    " Journey of Love " necklaces represent the fact that love and life always get better

  3. 我的爱之旅即将展开。我会努力学习,好好玩耍,享受所有。

    I will have my first trip , and it 'll be a love trip . I will study hard , play hard , love hard .

  4. 与之相反,学会享受这段旅程,让它成为快乐之旅,永恒的学习之旅,持久的进步之旅以及爱之旅。

    Instead , learn to enjoy the journey . Make it a journey of Happiness , of constant learning , of continual improvement , of love .

  5. 但这并不足以阻止卡勒姆。这场追爱之旅让他被捕、失去了公司董事长的职业,而且根据他的说法,他被禁止进入的国家比奥萨马·本拉登还多。

    This was not enough to deter Culum , however , from a quest that has seen him arrested , lose his job as a company director and , as he put it , get banned from ' more countries than Osama Bin Laden ' .

  6. 来十三2不可忘记用爱接待客旅;因为有人藉此不知不觉地款待了天使。

    Heb . 13:2 Do not forget hospitality , for through this some , without knowing it , have entertained angels .