
rèn píng
  • Allow to;at the mercy of;no matter;at one's convenience;at one's discretion
任凭 [rèn píng]
  • (1) [at ones discretion]∶听凭

  • 这事不能任凭他一人决定

  • (2) [no matter]∶无论,不管

  • 任凭你怎样说,事实总是事实

任凭[rèn píng]
  1. 那艘船只能任凭强大的暴风雨肆虐。

    The ship was helpless against the power of the storm .

  2. 让我吃惊的是他就坐在那儿默默地任凭他们评论。

    I was surprised that he just sat there and swallowed all their remarks .

  3. 她抓得紧紧的,任凭冰冷湍急的水流从她身上倾泻而下。

    She hung on as the freezing , rushing water cascaded past her

  4. 普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。

    Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats .

  5. 迄今为止政府仅仅是置身局外,任凭事态恶化。

    The government has just stood on the sidelines up to now and let the situation get worse .

  6. 这事不能任凭他一人决定。

    This shouldn 't be left entirely to his discretion .

  7. 任凭你怎样说,事实总是事实。

    Whatever you say , facts are facts .

  8. 任凭什么挫折都不能使他动摇。

    No setbacks can make him waver .

  9. 任凭你怎么劝说他都不同意女儿的婚事。

    All attempts at persuasion could not bring him to approve of his daughter 's marriage .

  10. 任凭江水冷得钻心,工人们仍然坚持下水操作。

    The workers still kept on working in the river even though the water was icy cold .

  11. 他家的粮仓、厨房,任凭老鼠怎么横行,也从来不去过问。

    He allowed rats to run wild in his granary and kitchen and never bothered about them .

  12. 如果科学家能够使HIV依赖因子失灵,那么任凭病毒再怎么突变也无法从这种药物眼下蒙混过关。

    If scientists can make HIV-dependent failure , then they are allowed to have mutations in the virus no matter how the drug can not get away now .

  13. 或许是美国财政部的错,特别是任凭雷曼兄弟(Lehman)倒闭的决定,引发了今天的恐慌局面。

    Maybe it was errors at the US Treasury , particularly the decision to let Lehman fail , that triggered today 's panic .

  14. 任凭两家GSE倒闭从来都不现实。

    Allowing the GSEs to fail was never realistic .

  15. 欧盟(EU)昨日明确表示不会抛弃希腊,不会任凭其日益严峻的债务危机危害到整个欧元区,尽管德国与法国淡化了两国已制定紧急援助计划的说法。

    The European Union made clear yesterday it would not abandon Greece and let its mounting debt crisis jeopardise the eurozone , even as Germany and France played down suggestions they had already formulated an emergency rescue plan .

  16. 他任凭采访者挑衅性的提问,礼貌惟坚。

    He was determinedly polite despite the interviewer 's aggressive questioning .

  17. 她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。

    Her matronly fame was trodden under all men 's feet .

  18. 哦,反正这个房间任凭你使用。

    Well , the place is at your disposal , anyway .

  19. 有一种情况是经常发生的任凭你百般召唤也无人理睬。

    It happens too often that your trumpet call is unheeded .

  20. 1986年理查森辞去了董事长的职务,任凭公司在困境中挣扎。

    In1986 Richardson resigned as chairman , leaving the company floundering .

  21. 秋香愿替唐伯虎受罪,任凭夫人处置。

    I wish to be punished on behalf of Tong !

  22. 渔民们总是任凭大自然的威力的摆布。

    Fishermen are always at the mercy of the forces of nature .

  23. 我把我的眼泪置于手中任凭飘零;

    I leave with my bodkin and my tears in my hands ;

  24. 这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。

    The prisoner is left to rot in the jail .

  25. 以法莲亲近偶像、任凭他罢。

    Ephraim is joined to idols ; leave him alone !

  26. 她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。

    She was at the mercy of her cruel husband .

  27. 不过,任凭她怎么说都没有用。

    Nothing that she could say , however , had any influence .

  28. 我们任凭当地警察摆布。

    We were left to the tender mercies of the local police .

  29. 我们最好放松缰绳任凭马奔跑。

    We 'd better give the horse a free rein .

  30. 真正的原因是什么尽可任凭猜测。

    What the real cause was is open to conjecture .