
hù wèi zhě
  • Guardian;escort;bodyguard
  1. 警察是法律和秩序的护卫者。

    The police are guardians of law and order .

  2. 牧师和教士被认为是信仰的护卫者。

    A minister or priest is considered a guardian of faith .

  3. 这位律师是民权的热心护卫者。

    The lawyer was an ardent protector of civil rights .

  4. 无辜护卫者现在仅在你治疗其他目标的时候触发。

    Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself .

  5. 被人追赶的、狼狈的野猫一眼就能认出她是它们的庇护人和护卫者。

    Hunted and disreputable cats recognized her at a glance as their refuge and champion .

  6. 他们认为妇女是道德的自然护卫者,这种观点并不是我的观点。

    Their view that women are the natural guardians of morality is not my view .

  7. 国土资源的忠诚护卫者

    Loyal guard of territory resources

  8. 护卫者皇家保险交易集团

    Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance

  9. 他以罗马的护卫者闻名于世,他是一位精明而精于防御的执政官。

    He was known as the Buckler of Rome , and was a very intelligent and defensive Consul .

  10. 信仰疗法术士公开进行信心疗法的人牧师和教士被认为是信仰的护卫者。

    A person engaged in the public ministry of spiritual healing . A minister or priest is considered a guardian of faith .

  11. 他有一些很特别的人想介绍我们认识,他们就是所谓的“安全武装志愿者”或“公民护卫者”。

    He had some very specific people he wanted us to meet ; they are known as the Volunteer Security Forces or Civilian Guards .

  12. 现在这些巨大的猛兽作为最凶悍的战士效力于巫妖王手下,并充天灾军团在诺森德领地的护卫者。

    Now the giant , thundering beasts serve as the Lich King 's mightiest warriors and the guardians of the Scourge 's holdings in Northrend .

  13. 圣殿骑士团,是作战勇猛手段强硬的骑士团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

    The Knights Templar , a fearsome and uncompromising order , were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims .

  14. 圣殿骑士团是武装护卫欧洲朝圣者前往圣地的骑士团体。

    The Knights Templar are an order of warrior monks that were formed to ensure the safe passage of European Christians to the Holy Lands .