
  • 网络Best Day Of My Life
  1. 哇,今天真是我生命中最美好的一天。

    Wow , this is the best day of my life .

  2. 真是太棒了——这是我生命中最美好的一天。

    It was magic — one of the best days of my life .

  3. 这是我生命中最美好的一天!

    This is the greatest day of my life !

  4. 你生命中最美好的一天是?

    The most beautiful day of your life ?

  5. 艾比的妈妈还在艾比的脸书上说,女儿告诉自己这是她生命中最美好的一天。

    According to Abby 's mother , her daughter told her that it was the best day ever , as posted on the Amazing Abby Facebook page 。

  6. 当天有100多名男人、女人和孩子参观了凯恩的游乐场,凯恩说这是他生命中最美好的一天。

    More than one hundred men , women and children visited " Caine 's Arcade " that day . Caine called it the best day of his life .