
  1. 在6月28日,新闻集团会将其出版部门剥离,会将包括《华尔街日报》在内的新闻业务与福克斯有线电视网等媒体和娱乐业务分离,娱乐公司将正式更名为21世纪福克斯。

    On June 28 , News Corp. will begin the spin-off of its publishing division , which includes newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal , from its media and entertainment businesses , such as the Fox networks . The entertainment company will be called 21st Century Fox .

  2. 去年12月,迪士尼以524亿美元的价格首次宣布对福克斯的资产进行收购,其中包括电影公司20世纪福克斯公司、电视制作公司20世纪福克斯电视、福克斯旗下的有线电视网(包括FX和国家地理),以及Hulu的控股股份。

    Disney first announced its bid for Fox 's assets -- which include the movie studio 20th Century Fox , the company 's TV production arm 20th Century Fox Television , Fox-owned cable networks ( including FX and National Geographic ) , and a controlling stake in Hulu -- in a $ 52.4 billion bid last December .