
  • 网络FPCL
  1. 介绍福建炼油化工有限公司加氢精制装置中RN-10催化剂器内稀释空气烧焦再生过程及防腐措施。

    The in situ regeneration of RN-10 hydrofining catalyst by diluent air , and the corrosion prevention measures of the hydrofining unit in Fujian Refinery and Petrochemical Company were introduced .

  2. 福建炼油化工有限公司延迟焦化装置处理量从0.4Mt/a扩大到0.6Mt/a,扩能50%,投资1718万元。

    The capacity of the delayed coker in Fujian Petrochemical company was expanded from 0.4 Mt / a to 0.6 Mt / a with a capital investment of 17 . 18 million yuan .

  3. 福建炼油化工有限公司减压炉辐射室1997年4月喷涂全陶纤炉衬,运行6年后炉顶内衬发生局部脱落。

    The radiation chamber of furnace in vacuum distillation unit in Fujian Refining & Chemical Co. , Ltd was installed with complete ceramic fiber refractory lining in April , 1997 . Some of lining at top of chamber spalled after 6 years'operation .

  4. 介绍了福建炼油化工有限公司延迟焦化装置先进控制器的控制策略,控制器主要模型的选取思路,主要变量的选取,以及先进控制系统的运行效果。

    The control strategies , the major controller models , the selection of main variables and the operation of the advanced process control ( APC ) system in the delayed coking unit in Fujian Refining & Chemical Co. , Ltd are presented .

  5. 介绍了福建炼油化工股份有限公司半再生式催化重整装置先进控制系统的工艺计算和控制技术。

    Process calculation and control techniques for the advanced control system in reformer with catalyst semi regeneration in Fujian Petroleum Refining Company were introduced .