
fú yīn zhǔ yì
  • evangelism
  1. 相信即将到来的太平盛世正在接近的人;积极福音主义的实践者。

    Believer in imminent approach of the millennium ; practitioner of active evangelism .

  2. 否认这点就被天主教和东正教(还有信福音主义者)视之为异端。

    Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox ( and Evangelicals ) alike .

  3. 另一方面,较旧的福音派主义(虽然不是所有都是)倾向于横跨地读整本圣经。

    On the other hand , the older evangelicalism ( though not all of it ) tended to read across the Bible .

  4. 我们深切地关注一些传统福音派主义内的运动,它们似乎在削弱教会的生活和带领我们离开故有的信仰和实践。

    We have become deeply concerned about some movements within traditional evangelicalism that seem to be diminishing the church 's life and leading us away from our historic beliefs and practices .

  5. 美国新教新福音派是产生于20世纪40年代的新教保守教派,其根源于18世纪末、19世纪初美国宗教大觉醒运动中产生的传统福音主义。

    American New Evangelicalism was born in 1940s , which was included in conservative Protestantism denominations . It originated from traditional Evangelicalism , which was produced by Great Awakening in the late 18th and early 19th century .