
  1. 对大多数美剧迷们来说,这真是一个漫长的夏天。

    For most fans of US TV series , it 's been a long summer .

  2. 所以美剧迷们在收看美剧的过程中还潜藏着一定的心理优势,那就是认为看美剧是时尚的生活方式。

    American TV fans always have a certain latent psychological advantage , and consider that watching American TV is fashionable .

  3. 过去几周对于美剧迷们来说可谓十分难熬,因为大多数剧集都因为圣诞假期的关系而停播。

    The past few weeks must have been hard for fans of US TV series , because most shows took a long holiday break .

  4. 然而,在网络技术迅速发展的本世纪初,美剧借助网络和字幕组的助力,在中国赢得了一支独特群体一一美剧迷的关注。

    However , in the beginning of this century , as the network technology develops , American drama with the help of the network and subtitles group gained a group of Chinese audiences - " American Drama fans " .