
  • 网络american idol;America Idol
  1. 相反,他们从《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)这类电视真人秀节目中找到了灵感。

    Instead , they found inspiration from reality TV competitions like American Idol .

  2. 在“美国偶像”(AmericanIdol)中,唱歌只是借口,赢得名次才是真正的目标。

    On American Idol , singing is the excuse but winning the real aim .

  3. Paul美国偶像出身大家应该都记得美国偶像里的他

    And of course.Paul.from American Idol.everybody remembers from American Idol .

  4. 虽然它的收视排名曾处于绝对领先地位,但2006年都灵冬奥会却屡次被美国偶像(americanidol)抢去风头。

    While its ratings dominance was once absolute , the 2006 Torino Winter Games were upstaged repeatedly byAmerican idol .

  5. 电视系列节目“美国偶像”(americanidol)的创造者富勒,已经让一位出色的右前卫变成一个伟大的品牌。

    Mr Fuller , creator of American Idol , the television series , has turned a very good right-half into a great brand .

  6. 把灯光调暗,让音乐响起:《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)终于要曲终人散了。

    Dim the lights , cue the house band : It 's finally time for " American Idol " to sing itself off .

  7. 初创公司拥有几分钟时间来展示他们的商业理念,评委会则会予以反馈,这是真人秀节目“美国偶像”(AmericanIdol)的形式。

    Start-ups were given a few minutes to present their business ideas to a board of judges who gave them feedback , American Idolstyle .

  8. 一旦观众们可以在他们的iPad上收看体育赛事或者《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)总决赛的直播,放弃传统电视的情况将急速增加。

    Once viewers can watch live events like sports and the American Idol finale on their iPads , cord cutting will accelerate .

  9. 他们会和RandyJackson一起成为《美国偶像》第十季的三大评委。

    Both will join Randy Jackson for a three-judge panel for the show ' s10th season .

  10. 2002年,福克斯电视台推出了改编自英国电视节目《PopIdol》的《美国偶像》,这一节目随后成为了美国最受欢迎的电视系列节目。

    Based on the British series'Pop Idol , ''American Idol'launched on Fox in2002 and became the most popular series on television .

  11. 该公司从2008年开始在iTunes上发布电视节目《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol),时间为电视台正式播放后第二天。

    In 2008 , the company began releasing episodes of American Idol on iTunes the day after the show aired on television .

  12. 2002年12月4日,KellyClarkson获得第一季美国偶像冠军

    Dec. 4th , 2002 Kelly Clarkson wins American Idol

  13. 《美国偶像》节目嘉宾西蒙·考威尔证实,自己将会在本赛季末离开此节目,因为他将担任福克斯电视台英国节目《X元素》的主持。

    American Idol judge Simon Cowell has confirmed he will leave the programme at the end of this season as he takes British show The X Factor to Fox TV .

  14. 星期三因为《美国偶像》和ABC电视网的电视剧《迷失》的播出,冬奥会的收视率也好不到哪去。

    It doesn 't figure to get any easier , with " Idol " and ABC 's " Lost " on the air Wednesday .

  15. 喜剧演员EllenGenerous将取代PaulaAbudla成为“美国偶像”新评委。

    And comedian Ellen Generous is gonna be the new judge of " American Idol , " replacing Paula Abudla .

  16. 乐队的2名成员都有非常丰富的音乐经历:Grey刚从和超具魅力的“美国偶像”亚军AdamLambert一起的巡回中得到短暂的休息,她还曾经和Dr。

    Both have colorful music backgrounds : Grey is here on a quick break from touring with super-glam " American Idol " runner-up Adam Lambert , and has played with Dr.

  17. 在YouTube成为一股音乐势力之后,《美国偶像》造不出新的大明星了——这很可能不是巧合。

    The show stopped producing big new stars around the time that YouTube emerged as a musical force , and that 's probably no coincidence .

  18. Fox电视台周三宣布詹妮弗洛佩兹已经签约成为《美国偶像》又一季评委,验证了几个月来人们对她回归的猜想。

    Jennifer Lopez has signed up for a second season as a judge on American Idol , Fox television officials said on Wednesday , ending months of speculation about her return .

  19. 西蒙・福勒(SimonFuller)也加入了贝克汉姆和帝亚吉欧就HaigClub的合作。福勒一手打造了《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)真人选秀节目,并曾经是流行音乐组合“辣妹”(SpiceGirls)的经纪人。

    Mr. Beckham and Diageo are joined in the Haig Club partnership by Simon Fuller , creator of the American Idol franchise and former manager of pop group the Spice Girls .

  20. 在福克斯播放《美国偶像》的同时,NBC有三分之二的时间在播放男子花样滑冰录像。

    NBC filled about two-thirds of the hour during which it competed with " American Idol " with tape of the men 's figure-skating competition .

  21. Seacrest现在主持的节目有《美国偶像》、《E!直播新闻》还有一个洛杉矶的早间电台。

    Seacrest is currently the host of American Idol , the daily host of E ! News Live , and a morning radio host in Los Angeles .

  22. 尽管《X因素》未能给野心勃勃的考威尔带来预期的成功,也无法与FOX台的另一档选秀节目《美国偶像》(AmericanIdol)匹敌,但它还是为FOX台的秋季档撑起了一片天。

    Although the series has failed to match Cowell 's bold pre-debut predictions , and certainly hasn 't eclipsed sister Fox show " American Idol , " it has helped shore up the network 's fall schedule .

  23. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛大家好,我是美国偶像的KrisAllen。在这里我要向大家介绍我的偶像CarlAzuz。

    Hey , everyone . I 'm Kris Allen from American Idol , and I 'm here to introduce my idol , Carl Azuz .

  24. 今年23岁的阿伦是一名来自阿克萨斯的学生,在2009年第八季全美最受欢迎的歌唱大赛《美国偶像》中,阿伦击败了以演唱风格怪异闻名的夺冠热门亚当·兰伯特(AdamLambert)。

    The23-year-old Allen , a student from Arkansas , won the2009 season of the popular singing contest , defeating presumed front-runner Adam Lambert who was known for his outlandish style .

  25. 当然,在电话会议中他也聊到了一些美国偶像的东西,比如PaulaAbdul的赛前表演。

    Of course , he also managed to include some American Idol tidbits in the conference call , including Paula Abdul 's scheduled pre-game performance .

  26. 排在第二的是CBS的喜剧“好汉两个半”,但其收入远低于“美国偶像”,福布斯和坎塔表示它每半小时节目可带来310万美元收入。

    Coming in a distant second was the CBS comedy " Two and a Half Men ," which Forbes and Kantar said brings in $ 3.1 million during each half-hour episode .

  27. 克威尔把未知元素和美国偶像带到了世界不同的地方,并在音乐领域的销售,比如LeonaLewis和SusanBoyle演出方面取得了巨大的成功。

    Cowell has taken the X Factor and Talent franchises to different parts of the world and steered the success of big-selling musical acts including Leona Lewis and Susan Boyle .

  28. 它为选手们提供与19Entertainment娱乐公司的合同,那个公司是《美国偶像》的创始人西蒙·福勒(SimonFuller)创立的,该公司认为品牌包装和唱功一样重要。

    It offered contestants a contract with 19 Entertainment , founded by the " Idol " creator Simon Fuller , and it emphasized the importance of branding and packaging as much as the need for vocal chops .

  29. 摩根先生是镜报的前任编辑,他老对头NBC电视网上的常客了,当时他是直播秀《美国偶像》的评委。

    Mr Morgan , former editor of The Mirror , is a familiar face on the rival NBC network , where he is a judge on the hit show America 's Got Talent .

  30. 第九季的《美国偶像》将于周二首播,评委宝拉•阿巴杜(PaulaAbdul)将缺席,她此前因薪酬方面的分歧宣布离开。

    The ninth season of'American Idol , 'which makes its debut on Tuesday , will be the first without Paula Abdul , who left after a dispute over her salary .