
  • 网络silent era;silent film era;Silent movies
  1. 世纪20年代中后期,电影告别了默片时代,有声电影的出现引发了整个电影业的革命。

    In the1920s , the film said goodbye to the mid silent era , sound film of trigger the entire film revolution .

  2. 她心形的脸庞,波浪般起伏的柔软的焦糖色的秀发,让我想起了默片时代电影中的纯真少女。

    Something about her heart-shaped face , her billows of soft , caramel-colored hair , reminded me of the ing é nues of the silent-movie era .

  3. 其中,《神女》是最具代表性的作品,她精湛的演技使此片成为默片时代的经典作品,代表着默片表演艺术的最高水平。

    Her exquisite performance in Goddess made it a classic in the age of silent films , and it represented the highest level of silent film performing art .

  4. 不必太费力,你就能绘制出鸡尾酒的发展图谱,从最早的默片时代到21世纪,没有任何间断,甚至包括禁酒时期。

    Without too much effort it is possible to map out a cocktail trail that wends its way from the earliest silent films to the 21st century with nary a break , not even for Prohibition .

  5. 主演威廉·霍尔登,他饰演乔·吉利斯,一位不成功的编剧家,葛洛丽亚·斯旺森饰演诺曼·德斯蒙德,一位默片时代的电影明星。乔·吉利斯受到了曼的吸引,在曼的世界里,她的梦想是重新回到银幕之中。

    The film stars William Holden as Joe Gillis , an unsuccessful screenwriter , and Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond , a faded silent movie star.She draws him into her fantasy world where she dreams of making a triumphant return to the screen .