
  • 网络observe a minute of silence
  1. 众人为死者默哀一分钟。

    The crowd observed a minute 's silence in memory of those who had died .

  2. 调查委员会主席齐尔考特(JohnChilcot)提议在听证会的开始为伊拉克战争牺牲者默哀一分钟。

    Inquiry chairman , John Chilcot opened the hearings with a moment of silence for those who died in the conflict .

  3. 总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)昨日在尼斯出席默哀一分钟的活动,悼念上周该市恐怖暴行的受害者,但他遭遇公众的嘘声。

    Prime minister Manuel Valls was yesterday booed in Nice after attending a minute 's silence in tribute to the victims of last week 's atrocity in the city .

  4. 为他默哀一分钟。

    A minute 's silence was observed in his memory .

  5. 在火炬接力之前,参与者为地震受难者默哀一分钟。

    Participants observed one minute of silence for earthquake victims before the start of the relay .

  6. 周五,幸存者和救援人员默哀一分钟,纪念地震来袭的那一刻。

    Survivors and rescue workers stopped for one minute on Friday to remember the hour when the earthquake struck .

  7. 最终举行的开幕式上,人们默哀一分钟,向遇难者致敬。

    The opening ceremony , finally under way , was marked by a minute 's silence to honour the dead .

  8. 让以色列恼怒的是,一份教育部的通知告诉土耳其的学生默哀一分钟,以此表示与巴勒斯坦的孩子团结一致。

    An education ministry circular particularly annoyed Israel by telling Turkish schoolchildren to observe a minute 's silence in solidarity with Palestinian children .

  9. 在莫利亚营地,教皇还将为那些横渡危险大海寻求更好生活时丧生的人默哀一分钟.

    At the Moria camp , the Pope will alsoobserve a minute 's silence for those who have died making dangerous seacrossings in search of a better life .

  10. 14日,奥运火炬接力在江西瑞金开始前,全体参与者默哀一分钟,哀悼四川地震中遇难的同胞。

    The Olympic torch relay in Ruijin of Jiangxi started with people observing a minute of silence on14th , May to pay respect to the victims of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan .

  11. 上午11点整,全国各地的城镇都会在当地的战争纪念馆举行纪念仪式。在此仪式上,由一个军号手演奏《最后的号音》,然后人们向烈士默哀一分钟。

    Services are held at11am at war memorials in suburbs and towns across the country , at which the " Last Post " is played by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed .

  12. 韦茅斯湾的维多利亚港一声炮响,小镇开始为死者默哀一分钟,这一做法并非当局所为,完全出自莱特中学母校的看门人之手。

    A cannon fired from a Victorian fort on Weymouth Bay signalled a minute 's silence throughout the town , organised not by the authorities but by a caretaker at Marine Wright 's former secondary school .

  13. 在细雨中,总统在放置在架前献上花圈,聆听一个号手吹的熄灯号鞠躬默哀一分钟,只被一辆遥远的火车喇叭声打破。

    Under a light drizzle , the president placed a wreath on a stand , listened as a bugler played taps and bowed his head for a minute of silence broken only by the distant sound of a train horn .

  14. 在鸣钟仪式前,东部时间下午2点50分,全州为遇难者默哀一分钟,这是这项世界重要体育赛事发生第一起爆炸案的时间,两起连环爆炸案也使全球震惊。

    Just before that , the state came to a standstill for about a minute at 2:50pm eastern when the first of two bombs exploded during one of the world 's premier sporting events and horrified many around the globe .

  15. 我们时刻挂念着你们并为你们祈祷。为了响应举国哀悼的倡议,我谨邀请大家同我一起先默哀一分钟,我将随后走向旗杆敬献花圈以悼念地震中的所有受难者,请大家在此过程中保持肃立。

    You are in our thoughts and prayers . In recognition of the declaration of a nationwide day of mourning , I 'd like you to join me first in a minute of silence and then to remain standing as I walk over to the flagpole to place a wreath in remember all the victims of the earthquake .

  16. 在默哀一周年分钟的停战协定是建立在1919年伦敦的一部分,在主纪念碑纪念仪式在新。

    On the first anniversary of the armistice in1919 two minutes'silence was instituted as part of the main commemorative ceremony at the new Cenotaph in London .