
jué jìng
  • desperate situation;impasse;hopeless situation;dead end;cul-de-sac;blind alley
绝境 [jué jìng]
  • [desperate situation] 没有明显出路的困境

  • 来此绝境。——晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》

绝境[jué jìng]
  1. 我正准备把斯基普从绝境中解救出来,突然

    I was about to rescue Skipper from an increasingly hopeless situation , when suddenly

  2. 摆脱绝境的唯一出路。

    The only way out of a hopeless situation .

  3. 我们的研究工作已陷入绝境。

    We had come to a dead end in our research .

  4. 非洲象正面临绝境。

    The African elephant is in a desperate plight .

  5. 蛇陷入绝境时会发出咝咝呼呼的声音。

    Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered .

  6. 然而现在他就在这里,在绝境中寻求联盟。

    Yet now he was here , in extremis , to seek an alliance

  7. 他被从死亡的绝境中解救出来。

    He was saved from the jaws of death .

  8. 正是由于党员们缺乏兴趣,才使这个党濒临绝境。

    It 's the members'lack of interest which is bringing the party to the ground .

  9. 你可能会在生活中遇到很多绝境,但最终会找到摆脱它们的办法。

    You may find many dead ends in your life , but you will find your way out of them .

  10. 从长远来看,我们没有陷入绝境,仍将能从大衰退(GreatRecession)中复苏。

    In the long run we are not dead , we will still be recovering from the Great Recession .

  11. ChrisBrasheer:“没有水,没有电,没有食物——真的是绝境。”

    Chris Brasheer : " No water , no electricity , no food -- pretty really . "

  12. 她已经把你逼入绝境了,lex。

    She 's made a desperate manof you , lex .

  13. 一位退休公务员正在为这部名为《绝境求生》(AHarshTransition)的严肃纪录片进行宣传,该片要告诉人们的是,破产可能并不那么糟。

    Instead , a retired civil servant is promoting A Harsh Transition , a sober documentary that makes the case that bankruptcy may not be so bad after all .

  14. IBM在其90年来的发展历程中,经历了从极度辉煌陷入绝境起死回生重掌乾坤的风云变幻。

    During the course of its 90 years ' development , IBM has experienced dramatic changes . It has walked through resplendence , dire straits , recovery and success rebuilding .

  15. 如果把数据传入VM内存时不能依靠API正确地保持数据,您基本上就陷入了绝境。

    If you can 't rely on your API to properly preserve data while it passes through the memory of your VM , you 're essentially dead in the water .

  16. 在克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler)和通用汽车公司(GM)破产后,汽车业一路上扬的运势就构成了极为引人入胜的故事情节:濒临绝境,悔过自新,最后重获新生。

    The upturn in industry fortunes that followed the bankruptcies of Chrysler and General Motors ( GM ) has provided an irresistible story arc of near-death , repentance , and revival .

  17. 事实上,美国企业界在这方面早已有了身着闪闪铠甲的白衣骑士典范&前德尔福(Delphi)首席执行官史蒂夫•米勒,他在职业生涯中曾多次在最后时刻成功拯救陷于绝境的企业。

    In fact , corporate America has its own knight in shining armor in that category : former Delphi CEO Steve miller , who 's made a career out of last-minute rescues of ailing corporations .

  18. Cul-de-sac也用于比喻没有结果或陷入绝境的行动。

    Cul-de-sac can also be used metaphorically to express an action that leads to nowhere or an impasse 。

  19. 托尼在那儿发现自己身陷绝境,于是和一个名叫哈利(Harley,由泰•辛普金斯(TySimpkins)饰演)的早慧的小男孩合作,临时装配了一件过去常被外星人称作大本营的装置。

    Finding himself there in extremis , Tony collaborates with a precocious little kid named Harley ─ he 's played by Ty Simpkins ─ to produce a jury-rigged piece of equipment like the one E.T. used to call home .

  20. o像比特币这样的数字货币将层出不穷,同时也会走入绝境。

    O Digital currencies like bitcoin will multiply and go nowhere .

  21. 渴望权利的心理病态者在陷入绝境时杀人。

    Power-hungry psychopaths who killed when they were " cornered " .

  22. 在处于绝境时,你可以给警察打电话。

    You can always , in extremity , call the police .

  23. 很多礁石已被过度捕捞面临消失的绝境。

    Many reefs have been fished to a point of extinction .

  24. 他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境。

    His incompetence has brought us to the brink of ruin .

  25. 扇动你有力的翅膀把你的主人带出绝境

    Use your mighty condor wings to carry your master to safety

  26. 富锦市一民营水上旅游公司为何濒临绝境

    The Difficulty of Private Owned Travel Company on Water in Fujin City

  27. 那时她已陷入绝境。

    By that time she had fallen into hopeless straits .

  28. 新的项目可能会使你陷入绝境。

    New projects may lead you into a dead end .

  29. 事实上,人生从来没有真正的绝境。

    In fact , life is never driven to despair .

  30. 这是严歌苓置之绝境式的独特方式。

    This is the wall type by Yan ge ling unique way .