
  • yuppie
  1. 他真是一个黑痞——黑人雅痞。

    He 's such a buppie-a black yuppie .

  2. 而现在医学专家已经知道,雅痞感冒确实是一种病,会严重影响生活质量和身体健康长达半年或更久。

    Medical experts now know that yuppie flu is a real condition that can seriously affect quality of life and health for half a year or longer .

  3. 黑人雅痞。这个字是由blackyuppie两字合成而来。yuppie(n.)雅痞黑人雅痞比雅痞还糟吗?

    buppie ( n. ) Are buppies worse than yuppies ?

  4. 只是从自我陶醉的雅痞们变为网络弄潮儿之后又成为了共和党寡头。

    Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads .