
yǎ guān
  • nice-looking;refined;nice appearance;in good taste
雅观 [yǎ guān]
  • [in good taste] 装束、举止文雅不俗

雅观[yǎ guān]
  1. 我侧着身子艰难地从长凳上移开,那个样子很可笑,很不雅观。

    I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous , undignified fashion

  2. 一边吃饭一边说话是不雅观的。

    It 's not correct to speak while one 's mouth is full .

  3. 不雅观的痣可以手术去除。

    Unsightly moles can be removed surgically .

  4. 但是,SXML通过一些方式在不损失信息的情况下修正了XML中某些不雅观的地方。

    In a number of ways , however , SXML corrects some awkwardness in XML , without sacrificing information .

  5. 他的步态不雅观[他的乒乓球技巧拙劣]。

    He is awkward in his gait [ at pingpong ] .

  6. 那个手势可不太雅观,对吧?

    That 's not a good sign , is it ?

  7. 淑女在火车上嚼囗香糖不太雅观。

    Chewing gum on a train is not seemly in a lady .

  8. 他摔倒了,很不雅观地躺着,满身是泥。

    He fell and lay awkwardly , covered in mud .

  9. 这一不雅观点正遭到越来越多人的质疑。

    This view is now being questioned by more and more people .

  10. 挖鼻孔很不雅观。

    It 's not nice to pick your nose .

  11. 他的滑雪板交叉在一起坐下时,姿势很不雅观。

    His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner .

  12. 在有些人看来。母乳喂奶不太雅观。

    Breast feeding may seem immodest to some people .

  13. 把手帕塞好,露在外面多不雅观。

    Tuck your handkerchief in , dear , it looks silly sticking out .

  14. 她那条短裙实在是不雅观。

    That short skirt of hers is positively indecent .

  15. 这是非常不雅观,同时这也反映出他们的工作效率。

    It is unsightly and this can reflect on the efficiency of their work .

  16. 大而重,但很雅观。

    It 's big and heavy but elegant .

  17. 你的裤子看起来不太雅观。

    Your pants don 't look too good .

  18. 奥德利大院并不是一个雅观的所在。

    Audley Court was not an attractive locality .

  19. 不要总是张着嘴,那样式看上去很不雅观。

    Don 't keep your mouth open all the time , it looks ugly .

  20. 她的房间乱成一团,很不雅观。

    Her room was an unsightly mess .

  21. 流汗的时候丝绸会显示你的汗渍,那样就不雅观,他说道。

    Sweating in silk is not so nice , because it shows , he says .

  22. 这铃声真是不太雅观呢

    Oh , it 's a bit rude , that noise , isn 't it ?

  23. 玻璃杯沿上沾上食物颗粒或油渍是很不雅观的。

    It 's unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass .

  24. 玛丽•菲尔普斯•雅各布在寻找一种能替代无处不在、有时很不雅观的紧身胸衣的东西。

    Mary Phelps Jacob was looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous and sometimes unsightly corset .

  25. 伦敦郊外不雅观的无计画扩展的地区.此外,郊区也设有5间出生登记处。

    London 's unsightly suburban sprawl There are also five birth registries in the rural areas .

  26. 我最后一次不雅观赏这壮不雅观的风景就似乎我是第一次看一样。

    I watched its whole magnificence for the last time as if it were the first .

  27. 人与人之间一旦持有认可的立场,也会对他的雅观面、止为持认可立场。

    Once among people hold negative attitude , but also on his view , behavior negative attitude .

  28. “女孩子们觉得在花露斯这个地方来跳舞不雅观,”他解释说。

    The maids don 't think it respectable to dance at " The Flower-de-Luce ", 'he explained .

  29. 习惯了在陡峭、狭窄的小河上涉水,我发现这种体验会让人丧失勇气,而且并不雅观。

    Used to paddling in steep , narrow creeks , I found this experience unnerving and awkward .

  30. 没有什么比看着一个人边嚼东西边说话更不雅观的了。

    Nothing is more unsightly than watching someone talk and chew their food at the same time .