
yù hán
  • keep out the cold
御寒 [yù hán]
  • [keep out the cold] 防冷;保暖

  1. 就连最厚的夹克也不足以御寒。

    Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold .

  2. 这些食物是富有传统性的,因为我们的祖先为了御寒而需要在他们的食物里添加脂肪。

    These foods are traditional because our ancestors needed fat in their diets to help keep out the cold .

  3. 他喝了一杯热饮御寒。

    He fortified himself against the cold with a hot drink .

  4. 毛织品能够保暖御寒。

    Wool traps your body heat , keeping the chill at bay

  5. 那些被子不能使你御寒。

    Those quilts don 't give you much protection against the cold .

  6. 方法给小鼠服用不同剂量的平喘胶囊,观察各组小鼠的一般情况以及耐力变化、御寒能力、胸腺重量以及肺组织中MDA、SOD的含量。

    Methods Used to using different doses of asthma in mice capsules , the mice were observed changes in general and endurance warm , thymus weight and MDA , SOD content in lung tissue .

  7. 雷人教母LadyGaga日前在她的推特上抱怨自己饱受感冒的折磨,为了御寒,LadyGaga全副武装走上纽约街头。看来她有了这整套装备,就再也不怕寒冷了。

    She 's been complaining on Twitter about suffering from a cold and Lady Gaga was taking no chances as she braved the chill in New York on Wednesday .

  8. 节水抗旱种衣剂处理后的冬小麦叶中ABA的含量明显提高,在越冬期表现的尤为明显,说明包衣能提高冬小麦的防寒御寒能力。

    ABA contents in the leaves of winter wheat with seed coating increase significantly , especially during the course of winter . Shows seed coating can enhance drought-precaution and drought-resistance of winter wheat .

  9. 虽然香港与哈瓦那(havana)纬度相同,但本周连香港的气温都比美国东北部地区低,这影响了数月前美国订购的御寒服装的销售。

    While Hong Kong is on the same latitude as Havana , this week temperatures in the territory have been colder than they have been in the north-east us , affecting sales of cold-weather gear ordered months previously .

  10. 给幸存者分发御寒衣物把旧衣物捆起准备义卖

    Make up a bundle of old clothes for a jumble sale

  11. 一件厚衣服足可以御寒。

    A thick coat is a good defence against the cold .

  12. 这样一件薄薄的大衣难以御寒。

    Such a thin coat gives little protection against the cold .

  13. 它有浓密的鬃毛,为其防风御寒。

    It has thick mane to keep from wind and cold .

  14. 你需要暖和的衣服来御寒。

    You need warm clothes to protect you against the cold .

  15. 一件防雨派克衫可以御寒防潮。

    A rainproof parka provides protection against wet and cold weather .

  16. 夜间冰冷,那东西可以御寒。

    The nights are frigid , and that keeps one warm .

  17. 不接受夏季衣物,职业装及非御寒衣物。

    The summer , profession and non-warm clothing will be unaccepted .

  18. 滑雪者戴上面罩给脸部保暖御寒。

    Skiers use masks to keep their face warm in the cold .

  19. 我想买一件能在这种严寒天气中御寒的厚大衣。

    I want to have a heavy overcoat for such cold weather .

  20. 穿御寒的衣服是明智的。

    It would be sensible to dress for cold weather .

  21. 他穿着一件厚外套御寒。

    He was wearing a heavy coat as protection against the cold .

  22. 我们添置了一些御寒的衣服以迎接即将来临的冬季。

    We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter .

  23. 他的衣服单薄冬天不足以御寒。

    His thin clothes will be inadequate in the winter .

  24. 这鸟抖开它的羽毛。鸟儿抖开羽毛以御寒。

    Birds fluff out their feathers as a protection against the cold .

  25. 被子的厚度不足以为他御寒

    The quilt be not thick enough to protect him from the cold

  26. 战士们都发了御寒的毯子。

    The men were provided with blankets against the cold .

  27. 我们得穿更多衣服以防冷(御寒)。

    We must wear more clothes against the cold .

  28. 不是藉由买十条毛毯或建筑一些像似御寒的房间。

    Not by buying ten blankets or building some sort of cold-proof room .

  29. 服装是文化的表征,它不仅能够为人护体、御寒,还反映着人的审美需求和愿望,是一种文化品位的浓缩。

    Garment is a symbol and concentration of culture .

  30. 它们找一些能御寒的地方。

    They go to places where they will be protected from the cold .