
  • 网络Venture Capitalist
  1. 克里斯蒂•卢•斯图尔特,CNN香港风险投资人亚斯•康是个幸运的人。

    KRISTY LU STOUT , HONG KONG Venture capitalist Elias Con is a happy man .

  2. 本文作者弗莱德•威尔森(@fredwilson)从1996年起担任风险投资人,现为美国合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)的执行合伙人。

    Fred Wilson ( @ fredwilson ) has been a venture capitalist since 1996 , and currently serves as managing partner of Union Square ventures .

  3. 风险投资人对于曾就读哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的未来企业家有偏见。

    Venture capitalists are biased against would-be entrepreneurs who went to Harvard Business School .

  4. 风险投资人争相对他们进行投资,就像一群痴狂的女歌迷们在英国男子组合OneDirection的演唱会上,完全神魂颠倒。

    Venture capitalists on sandhill road swooned for their attention like a gaggle of girls at a one direction concert .

  5. 上周末,知名风险投资人、前Facebook高管卡马斯•帕里哈毕提亚在一次会议主题演讲中对哈佛商学院在校生传递了这样的信息。

    That was the message imparted top current HBS students at a conference keynote this past weekend by chamath palihapitiya , a current venture capitalist and former Facebook ( FB ) executive .

  6. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,这间公司刚刚从贾斯汀•比伯那里获得了110万美元的种子期投资,其他的投资者还有风险投资人舍文•皮西弗,拳击手佛洛依德•梅怀瑟和天使投资人汤姆•麦金纳尼。

    Fortune has learned that Bieber recently led a $ 1.1 million seed round for the company , whose other investors include venture capitalist shervin pishevar , boxer Floyd Mayweather and angel investor Tom McInerney .

  7. 或者至少是,他们让足够人数的天真的风险投资人信了这一套,使得Secret在这短短的存活期里筹到了3500万美元(约合2.2亿元人民币)的资金,公司估值一度达到1亿美元。

    Or at least they convinced enough gullible venture capitalists of this that they were able to raise some $ 35 million during their company 's short life , giving it a valuation at one point of $ 100 million .

  8. 那些注重模式识别的风险投资人很难无视这样一点:拥有MBA学历的企业家们创立的伟大科技企业少之又少。

    For venture capitalists who pray at the alter of pattern recognition , it would be hard to ignore how few massive tech successes have been founded by entrepreneurs with MBAs on their resumes .

  9. 斯科特从硅谷一位资深风险投资人那里获得融资方面的支持,而丘格则去找印度当地的非政府组织(NGOs)对这种灯进行测试。

    Scott secured financial backing from a veteran venture capitalist in Silicon Valley , and Chugh went to local nongovernmental organizations ( NGOs ) in India to test the lamp .

  10. 这家工厂是由普罗拉科塔生物科学公司(PlolactaBioscience)公司开设的,该公司从生命科学领域的风险投资人那里获得了4600万美元投资。

    The company that owns the factory , Prolacta Bioscience , has received $ 46 million in investments from life science venture capitalists .

  11. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世最近册封著名硅谷风险投资人迈克尔•莫里茨为爵士,以表彰他对英国经济和慈善事业的贡献,其中包括他为母校牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)提供的一大笔资金。

    Michael Moritz , the renowned Silicon Valley venture capitalist , recently became Sir Michael , knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his promotion of British economic interests and his philanthropy , including a large gift to his alma mater , Oxford University .

  12. 风险投资人、SoftkeySoftware创始人、投资基金公司“奥利里基金”(O'LearyFunds)的创建者凯文·奥利里(KevinO'Leary)说,他有次在机场曾被一名很有希望的九岁参赛者认出。

    Kevin O'Leary , a venture capitalist and founder of Softkey Software , as well as an investment fund company called O'Leary Funds , says he was once chased down at an airport by a hopeful 9-year-old contestant .

  13. 我们已经触及到我们希望触及的人群,但愿影响了他们的观点,CRV风险投资人萨尔•古尔(SaarGur)说。

    We reached everyone we wanted to reach , and hopefully influenced opinions , said Saar Gur , a CRV venture capitalist .

  14. Pitchbook的最新数据显示,去年风险投资人对私有公司的投资价格创下了新高。

    Venture capitalists paid record highs to invest in private companies last year , according to new data from pitchbook .

  15. 当时,这是KKR第一次以风险投资人的身份进行投资,可能也是最后一次(取决于你如何看待其2012年投资无线立体声公司Sonos)。

    It was the first time that KKR ever played venture capitalist , and arguably the last ( depending on how you view its 2012 Investment in wireless stereo company SONOS ) .

  16. 风险投资人克里斯·萨卡(ChrisSacca)是Twitter最早也较大的投资者之一,而且还是该服务的超级铁杆粉丝。上周,他在博客上发表了一篇非常详细的文章,对于Twitter如何直播实时事件,列出了一些简单直接的方式。

    Last week , in an extremely detailed post on his blog , the venture capitalist Chris Sacca , one of the earliest and larger investors in Twitter and an inveterate fan of the service , outlined the most straightforward recipe for Twitter to own live events .

  17. 旧金山——约翰·德尔(JohnDoerr)的确需要一场胜利,周五晚些时候,这名受人尊敬的风险投资人获得了职业生涯中最大的胜利:陪审团全面驳回了针对其公司凯鹏华盈(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)的性别歧视指控。

    SAN FRANCISCO - John Doerr really needed a win , and late Friday the esteemed venture capitalist got one of the biggest of his career : a jury 's complete dismissal of gender discrimination claims against his firm , Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  18. GlimpseLabs的联合创始人艾丽莎·舍温斯基(ElissaShevinsky)强调说,“最好的风险投资人都非常专业。”然后她告诉我一件事:当她向一个名声很好的投资人推介自己的公司时,他提到了色情、性和转世。

    Elissa Shevinksy , a co-founder of Glimpse Labs , emphasized that " the best V.C.s and angels are very professional . " Then she told me a story about a well-liked investor who brought up pornography , sex and reincarnation as she tried to pitch her company to him .

  19. 上周四,TechStarsNY的组织者允许我进入一次演示日,同750名风险投资人、企业家和媒体朋友共同见证了这个过程。

    On Thursday the organizers at techstarsny allowed me to infiltrate a demo day and observe this ritual in the wild , along with 750 venture capitalists , entrepreneurs , and members of the media .

  20. 这就让风险投资人没法参加进去。

    This makes it difficult for VC firms to get involved .

  21. 她已经与40多名风险投资人交谈过。

    She had talked to more than 40 venture capitalists .

  22. 风险投资人在估值较低时会减少投资。

    Venture capitalists are making fewer investments at lower valuations .

  23. 风险投资人亚斯康是个幸运的人。

    Venture capitalist Elias con is a happy man .

  24. 但几天之后,两位风险投资人都拒绝投资。

    But a few days later , both venture capitalists declined to invest .

  25. 以风险投资人的模式识别概念为例。

    Take , for example , the notion of pattern recognition among venture capitalists .

  26. •我打电话给风险投资人。

    • I call the VC to discuss .

  27. 朋友和家人常常问我,想不想做一名风险投资人。

    Friends and family often ask if I want to become a venture capitalist .

  28. 英国会为能够从一位风险投资人那里取得5万英镑(约合47万元人民币)的人提供临时签证。

    Britain offers temporary visas to those who procure £ 50,000 from a venture backer .

  29. 但是,如今的风险投资人已不再满足于宣传自身观点。

    Now , however , venture capitalists are no longer content to publicize their own views .

  30. 本文作者分别为清华大学政治理论教授和驻上海风险投资人

    The writers are a professor of political theory at Tsinghua University and a Shanghai-based venture capitalist