
  1. 介绍中国风云气象卫星FY1,FY2对地观测数据应用于全球森林资源的分类监测。

    The application of Chinese meteorological satellites FY1 and FY2 in monitoring global forest resources is introduced .

  2. 目前用于我国森林火灾监测的主要是美国的NOAA系列气象卫星,此外,我国的风云系列气象卫星和美国的EOS卫星也开始应用于林火监测。

    In China , the main satellites used for forest fire monitoring are NOAA satellites , FY serials meterological satellites and EOS satellites .

  3. 风云三号气象卫星是我国的第二代极轨气象卫星。它将首次携带红外分光计(IRAS)、微波温度计、微波湿度计三个大气垂直探测仪器。

    FY-3 meteorological satellite is the second generation of polar-orbit meteorological satellite in China , it will carry InfRared Atmospheric Sounder ( IRAS )? Microwave Atmospheric Sounder , Microwave Atmospheric Humidity Sounder for the first time .

  4. 风云一号气象卫星地面应用系统

    Introduction to FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE data receiving and processing system

  5. 风云一号气象卫星海洋水色的遥感试验

    Ocean color remote sensing experiment on FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  6. 风云四号气象卫星多通道扫描成像辐射计

    The Multiple Channel Scanning Imager of FY-4 Meteorological Satellite

  7. 风云二号气象卫星系统及其应用前景

    FY-2 geostationary meteorological satellite system and its application prospects

  8. 风云一号气象卫星星载天线隔离技术

    Isolation Technology of On-board Antenna for FY-1 Meteorological Satellite

  9. 风云二号气象卫星姿态和沿步进角方向失配角参数对图像影响的模拟研究

    Impact Study of Attitude and Misalignment Parameters at FY-2 Image Navigation with Simulation Method

  10. 基于恒星敏感器的风云四号气象卫星姿态确定方法研究及实现

    Research and Implementation of Attitude Determination for FY-4 Meteorological Satellite Based on Star Tracker

  11. 风云四号气象卫星扫描成像仪&可见光通道星敏感

    FY-4 Imager : Visible Channel Star Sensing

  12. 风云一号气象卫星用辐射致冷系统

    Radiant cooler system for FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  13. 太阳电池阵是风云一号气象卫星的关键设备之一,卫星入轨后太阳电池阵从收拢状态展开成工作状态,成为卫星的发电厂。

    The solar array is one of the key equipments for the Wind-Cloud I satellite .

  14. 风云一号气象卫星简介

    A brief introduction on FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  15. 风云一号气象卫星的甚高分辨率数字云图发射机

    The High Resolution Picture Transmitter on FY-1

  16. 甚高分辨率数字云图发射机是风云一号气象卫星上的重要设备。

    The High Resolution Picture Transmitter is one of the major instrumentation on FY-1 Meteorological Satellite .

  17. 针对风云二号气象卫星星上转发器放大器的非线性特性及其带来的交调问题进行了分析。

    This paper presents analysis of nonlinearity and its resulitedintermodulation ( IM ) effect of the amplifier of the satellite transponder .

  18. 风云一号气象卫星姿态控制系统采用了三轴稳定对地定向的主动控制方案。

    The three axis stabilized Earth oriented attitude control system adopted by FY 1 meteorological satellites represents an active control concept .

  19. 随后在风云二号气象卫星中频全数字解调器总体结构方案的基础上,对数字下变频和定时同步部分进行了重点研究。

    Then , based on the overall structure of the IF all-digital demodulator for FY-2 meteorological satellite , the digital down conversion and the timing synchronization are deeply researched .

  20. 风云二号静止气象卫星的地面应用系统

    The ground application system of the FY-2 geostationary meteorological satellite

  21. 风云一号试验气象卫星

    TESTING The FY-1 Experimental Meteorological Satellite

  22. 甚高分辨率扫描辐射计是风云一号试验气象卫星上的主要探测仪器,本文介绍了它的探测原理、仪器结构、信息处理、轨道运行性能及获取的图像质量情况。

    This paper describes the detective principles , instrument construction , information processing , operational performance in orbit and picture quality of the Very High Reso-lution Scanning Radiometer on FY-1 Meteorological Satellite .

  23. 利用我国新近发射的风云-1C极轨气象卫星,对1999年5月13~14日发生在塔里木盆地至河西走廊西部的沙尘暴与浮尘扬沙天气进行分析。

    The dust devil and fly ash which happened from Tarim Basin to the west of Hexi Corridor on May 13 ~ 14th in 1999 is analyzed with the data from FY-1C meteorological satellite launched recently in China .