
qián fù hè
  • preload
  1. 大量的动物和人体实验都表明了,最大心肌劲度是反映心肌收缩力的特异敏感指标,其不受前负荷、后负荷和心室构型的影响,同时对心率的变化也不敏感。

    A great amount of animal and human experiments show that maximum systolic myocardial stiffness is a exclusive and sensitive index to evaluate myocardial contractility , for its independence on preload , afterload and ventricular geometry , insensitivity to variety in heart rate .

  2. 而负性变力作用剂与急性前负荷增加均使ED(SL)上升。

    Both negative inotropic agent and rise of preload caused the increase of EDSL .

  3. 前负荷对组织多普勒超声Tei指数评价左心室功能的影响

    Effect of Preload on Tei Index Evaluating Left Ventricular Function

  4. PPV对心源性肺水肿的患者十分有益,因它可减少前负荷和后负荷。

    PPV is very helpful in patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema , as it helps to reduce preload and afterload .

  5. 目的:观察牛磺酸(Tau)对不同前负荷下大鼠胸主动脉静息张力及氯化钾(KCl)、苯肾上腺素(Phe)所致收缩的影响;

    OBJECTIVES : To observe the effects of taurine on the resting tension and the pre-contraction induced by potassium chloride or phenylephrine in the isolated thoracic aortic rings of rats at different preloads ;

  6. 结论:该方法能有效地降低左心前负荷;左心辅助循环转流率在70mLkg-1/min、100mLkg-1/min时能维持适当的体循环。

    Conclusion : The new method can decrease the preload of left heart effectively and maintain the systemic circulation properly at assist ratio of 70 ml · kg - 1 / min , 100 ml · kg - 1 / min.

  7. 左室前负荷、收缩功能改善。

    Left ventricular preload and systolic function were improved after the closure .

  8. 脉搏指示连续心排血量技术在心脏前负荷测量的应用近况

    Cardiac preload monitoring with pulse-induced contour cardiac output ( PiCCO ) technique

  9. 在短暂前负荷减少时,直接测量出舒张期僵硬度常数。

    During transient preload reduction , the diastolic stiffness constant was measured directly .

  10. 神经轴阻滞前负荷:没有被执行。

    Preloading of neuraxial blockade : Is not performed .

  11. 心脏前负荷减低对主动脉压及主动脉扩增指数的影响

    Effect of decreased cardiac preload on central blood pressure and aortic augmentation index

  12. 脉冲多普勒组织成像技术评价左室舒张功能与前负荷的依赖关系?

    Is Doppler tissue imaging dependent on preload in evaluating left ventricular diastolic function ?

  13. 前负荷改变对肾透析患者二尖瓣环多普勒组织成像频谱波形的影响

    Effect of preload on mitral annulus velocities of Doppler tissue imaging in patients on hemodialysis

  14. 前负荷再充盈搏功在评价瓣膜病围术期左心功能中的应用

    Preload Recruited Stroke Work as an Index to Study Left Ventricular Contractility During One Valve Replacement

  15. 肺动脉反应性改变将影响着心脏前负荷,可能促进立位耐力不良的发生。

    Thus changes in the responsiveness of pulmonary artery may significantly alter the loading of heart and predispose to orthostatic intolerance .

  16. 多项研究认为在评估前负荷上胸腔内血容量指数要优于中心静脉压。

    Several studies suggest that intrathoracic blood volume index might be superior to central venous pressure with regard to preload assessment .

  17. 结果:无水负荷过重患者透析前后的前负荷量与正常人无明显区别,有明显水负荷的患者的前负荷明显高于正常人,P<0.05。

    Results : The TFC of the hemodialysis patients without over fluid load before and after dialysis procession has no difference with the normal people .

  18. 结论两种药物联用降低心脏前负荷、后负荷,增加心脏每分输出量,改善心肺功能。

    Conclusion Combination use of two drugs can decrease pre load and post load of heart , increase cardial minute ouput , improve the heart function .

  19. 目的评估通过热稀释法测量全心舒张末容量作为心脏前负荷指标的准确性和实用性。

    Objective To assess the value of the global end-diastolic volume ( GEDV ) as an indicator of cardiac preload in hemorrhaged shock models of dog .

  20. 作者认为左心功能参数异常与肺动脉压升高、右心功能恶化、左心前负荷降低有关。

    Its suggested that elevated Pulmonary hypertension , deteriorated right ventri-ular function and decreased left ventricular proload may be referable to abnormal Parameters of left ventricular function .

  21. 结论:丧失房室同步活动引起左室前负荷变化,影响整体收缩功能;

    Conclusion : Loss of AV synchrony affect global systolic function by the change of LV preload , and abnormal ventricular activation sequence decreases both of the left ventricular systolic and diastolic function .

  22. 服药前负荷运动后视乳头中度充血和渗出20名(100%);服药后负荷运动后全部受试者充血程度明显减轻为轻度。

    There were 20 cases ( 100 % ) with moderate hyperemia and bleeding in optic disc before administration and after load exercise , and degree of hyperemia was relieved after administration and after load exercise .

  23. 目的:对比观察口服紫河车、人参复方纯中药制剂前负荷运动后与服药后负荷运动后高原移居者视网膜动态变化,评价该中药制剂抗缺氧能力。

    AIM : To compare dynamic changes of retina of highland-migrating cases after load exercise before and after oral administration of compound Chinese herb of dried human placenta and ginseng so as to evaluate the ability against hypoxia .

  24. 小剂量时可扩张静脉,使静脉回流减少,左室舒末压下降,使心脏前负荷降低,降低心肌耗氧量。

    If minor doses are used , they can expand veins , lessen the vein reflux , cut down diastolic pressure or left ventricular end and cut down the load of the heart , and reduce the oxygen consumption .

  25. 在一定的前负荷下,通过改变叶轮泵流入道、流出道内径及后负荷,测定在75%的满负荷工作条件下泵的入口压、泵压、泵流量及相关血流动力学参数。

    In our mocking circulation circuit , under definite preload , the inner diameter of inlet and outlet cannulae and the afterload have been changed for measuring the pressure of input and output of the pump and the pump flowing rate when it runs under 75 % maxim working condition .

  26. AR组术前前负荷增加,术后下降;AS病人术后后负荷下降。

    In AS group after surgery , the afterload decreases .

  27. 方法回顾性调查了224例连续的血管病患者术前潘生丁负荷心肌显像、临床危险因子分析以及围术期心脏事件的发生,采用多变量Logistic回归分析评价各危险因子的预测价值。

    Methods A retrospective investigation was performed in 224 consecutive ( patients ) with preoperative dipyridamole ~ ( 201 ) Tl-SPECT imaging , clinical risk assessment and perioperative cardiac ( events . ) A stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to estimate that predicting value in all risk factors .

  28. 注意力与前作业负荷变化对油锯手心率影响

    Impact of Vibration of Attention and the Former Operating Load on Heart Rate of Chainsaw Loggers

  29. 该方法根据电压崩溃前各负荷母线能够承载负荷量的大小排序,把能承载负荷量最小的母线排为最高级并把它作为最薄弱母线。

    The bus that can withstand the smallest amount of load before causing voltage collapse is ranked highest and identified as the weakest bus .

  30. 该方案利用一个附加的电流继电器来记忆故障前的负荷电流,分析故障后的电流变化情况,以判别故障发生的地点。

    The plan uses an additional current relay to recall the load current before faults , and analyzes the after-fault current changes to locate the faults .