
  1. 根据当地媒体报道,在李聪拒绝为陶汝坤的取保候审材料签字后,陶汝坤的父母就拒绝再支付治疗费用。

    After help with their son 's bail request was refused by Li Cong , Tao 's parents refused to pay any further medical bills .

  2. 上周,周岩的母亲李聪把此事件以及女儿在毁容前后的照片传上新浪微博,周岩一家的困境引起了媒体和公众的广泛关注。

    But the family 's plight received wide media and public attention last week , when Li Cong posted their story and " before and after " pictures of her daughter on Sina Weibo .