
  1. 因此,我们必须高度重视,全面统筹协调,通过综合性的制度改革来推进农村空挂户问题的根本解决。

    Therefore , we must attach great importance to co-ordinate the co-ordination , through the comprehensive rural reform to " unlinked to household " root of the problem solved .

  2. 农村土地制度的设计不仅直接关系着农村集体组织成员的权利和利益享有方式,还间接涉及到城乡户籍管理制度和农村空挂户的权益保障等问题的解决。

    The design of the rural land system is directly related not only to members of rural collective enjoyment of the rights and interests of ways , but also indirectly related to urban and rural household registration system and the Countryside " hanging households " rights protection issues .

  3. 村民自治的制度机理不但有力地推动了乡村治理结构自我管理、自我教育、自我服务功能的运行,而且对于推进农村空挂户的利益表达和权益保障也具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Institutional Mechanism Villagers not only a strong impetus to rural governance structure , " self-management , self-education , self-service " functions of operation , but also for promoting the Countryside " hanging households " protection of the interests and rights of expression also has very important practical significance .

  4. 这既增加了城乡户籍管理的难度,也引发了一系列的经济社会问题,使得农村空挂户难以真正融入当地生活,失去了对生存社区的归属感。

    This not only increases the difficulty of rural and urban household registration management , but also caused a series of economic and social problems , making the Countryside " linked account " difficult to integrate into local life , loss of sense of belonging to the community for survival .