
  • 网络thermal ionization;ionization
  1. 本文简介了使用FinniganMAT262热电离质谱仪对超微量钐天然同位素丰度比的精密测定。

    The measurement method of the isotopic abundance ratios for the nanogram samarium was performed by Finnigan MAT 262-RPQ thermal ionization mass sepctrometer .

  2. 针对实际地质样品,NeptuneMC-ICP-MS和热电离质谱(TIMS)进行了平行测定。

    Geological samples after traditional chemical separation were measured by Neptune MC-ICP-MS and thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ), respectively .

  3. 新一代高精度高灵敏度的表面热电离质谱仪(TritonTI)的Nd同位素测定

    High Precision Nd Isotope Measurement by Triton TI Mass Spectrometry

  4. 甘露醇对石墨存在下Cs2BO2~+离子热电离质谱法测定硼同位素的影响

    Effect of Mannitol on Isotopic Measurement of Boron by Thermal - ionization Mass Spectrometry Based on Cs_2BO_2 ~ + Ion with Graphite Loading

  5. 研究了NP型螯合树脂珠作为质谱样品载体,对铀同位素进行热电离质谱分析的方法。

    NP-type chelate resin beads is used as a carrier of samples in the isotopic measurements of uranium by mass spectrometry .

  6. 此外,还简介了高丰度灵敏度热电离TIMS法的发展、应用和前景。

    Furthermore , high precise TIMS dating method is also introduced in this paper .

  7. 热电离质谱(TIMS)U-Th年龄测定及其应用研究初探

    Preliminary study on tims U-Th dating technique and their application

  8. 介绍用热电离质谱(thermalionizationmassspectrometry,TIMS)铀系法对海洋珊瑚定年的测定及古环境研究的一些成果。

    Experimental results of coral dating and paleoenvironment studies by using the thermal ionization spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method were introduced .

  9. 提出了一种将地下水中的铬与其他基本离子分离的技术,用于固体离子源热电离质谱计(TIMS)测定铬同位素比值。

    A method has been developed for separating the Cr dissolved in groundwater from matrix elements and determination of its stable isotope ratios using solid-source thermal-ionization mass spectrometry TIMS .

  10. 岩溶石笋、海洋珊瑚、湖泊沉积物等信息载体可以用热电离质谱(TIMS)铀系技术定年。数据表明,1&3层的年代比目前的有些提法要早一些。

    Cave stalagmites , corals , lake sediments are suitable for dating using the thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) uranium series method . 1 were dated with uranium series dating .

  11. 用高精度热电离质谱(TIMS)铀系法测定碳酸盐标样的年龄,测定结果与α谱仪铀系法进行比较,铀含量和年龄值均吻合。

    The age of stalagmite was determined by high precise thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( TIMS ) with uranium series age method . Uranium content and age of the standard carbonate were in agreement with standard values .

  12. 热电离质谱法树脂珠技术的新方法

    New Method of Resin Bead Technique in Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  13. 用于微量锂同位素丰度比测定的坩埚&热电离方法

    A Crucible-Thermionic Method for Precise Isotopic Ratios Determination of Li

  14. 热电离质谱计信号放大器非线性校正技术

    Calibration Technique of Nonlinearity of the Signal Amplifiers of TIMS

  15. 胺基自由基绝热电离能的理论计算研究

    Theoretical calculations on the adiabatic ionization energy of amidogen radical

  16. 热电离质谱铀系法测定珊瑚及对古环境研究

    TIMS uranium series method for coral dating and paleoenvironment research

  17. 高精度热电离质谱铀系法测定北京猿人遗址年代初步结果

    Preliminary results on U-series dating of Peking Man Site with high precision tims

  18. 热电离质谱铀系法测定碳酸盐标样

    Determination of Age for Standard Carbonate Samples by TIMS with Uranium series Age Method

  19. 提高热电离质谱灵敏度和防污染技术研究

    A technique of enhanced sensitivity and overcome radioactive contamination in thermal ionization mass spectrometry

  20. 地球科学中热电离质谱法的进展

    Advances in thermal ionization mass spectrometry in geosciences

  21. 第四纪年代学的利器:热电离质谱铀系定年技术

    The important technique of dating quaternary : uranium series dating technique by thermal ionization mass spectrometry

  22. 基于热电离质谱铀系定年与氧同位素对比的古气候研究

    Study of the Paleoclimate Based on the Comparison Between Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Uranium Series Dating and Oxygen Isotopes

  23. 珊瑚的高精度热电离质谱定年和Sr/Ca温度计对古环境研究意义

    Dating of corals by thermal ionization mass spectrometry ( tims ) and sr / ca thermometer and the PALEOENVIRONMENT SIGNIFICANCE

  24. 热电离材料的实验结果表明电弧风洞对于寻找磁流体发电的高电离材料提供了一种很好的实验手段。

    Experimental result of thermal ionization materials proves that the arc-heated tunnel is a good test means for seeking high ionization degree material of magneto-generation .

  25. 该成果对质谱中的热电离理论进行了较深入地讨论,建立了高精度质谱测定锂铟铈同位素的方法。

    The theory of thermal ionization mass spectrometry has been deeply discussed and the procedures for high-precision measurement of isotopes of lithium , indium and cerium have been established .

  26. 以测定Cs2BO+2离子的热电离质谱法,用VG-354型质谱计测定了大柴达木盐湖卤水及其外围水系的硼同位素组成。

    The boron isotopic composition in the brines of Da Qaidam Salt Lake and its surrounding waters has been determined by VG-354 model mass spectrometry with the Cs2BO + 2 ion being measured by thermal technique .