
zhènɡ què xìnɡ
  • correctness;validity
  1. 提出来的解释,只要它的正确性仍然有疑问,便称为假说。

    A suggested explanation , so long as its correctness is still in doubt , is called a hypothesis .

  2. 事实上,熟悉代数拓扑基本原理的读者容易证明这个表示的正确性。

    Indeed , readers familiar with the fundamentals of algebriaic topology can easily prove the correctness of this presentation .

  3. 他们怀疑档案中信息的正确性。

    They questioned the accuracy of the information in the file .

  4. 我们对他们的论点的正确性有过怀疑。

    We had doubts about the validity of their argument .

  5. 我完全相信这一决定的正确性将得到充分证明。

    I have every confidence that this decision will be fully vindicated .

  6. 他那时更愿意大度地承认反方观点的正确性。

    He is then more generously disposed to admit the validity of opposing views .

  7. 我理解力差,无法理解这次任务的绝对正确性。

    My inferior understanding prevents my grasping the unquestionable soundness of the mission .

  8. 这一切都证明了他分析的正确性。

    All of those demonstrated the correctness of his analysis .

  9. 转移部位均以肺、阴道为最多,CT可提高诊断肺转移正确性;

    The most common sites for metastasis were lung and vagina .

  10. 通过计算结果的比较,证实了Finite中平面梁单元非节点连接方法的正确性。

    The comparisons of the results validate the non-nodal connection method on plane beams in Finite .

  11. WEB缓存的一致性是WEB缓存研究的难点之一,其决定缓存的可用性和正确性。

    WEB cache consistency is one of the most difficult question in the research area of web cache .

  12. 通过Matlab仿真实验,验证了该变换器工作原理的正确性。

    The simulation experiment by Matlab showed that the working principle of the converter is feasible .

  13. 将文中的算法用VC++实现,实验结果表明该方法是可行有效的,而且在保证XML模式提取结果正确性的同时,还有效地简化了模式表示形式。

    This algorithm is implemented with VC + + . The experiment results show that the algorithm is effective and efficient .

  14. 与其他方法相比,这种分层转化的方法降低了转换难度,保证了转换的正确性,保持了UML模型更完整的语义成分。

    This approach is better in decreasing difficulty , ensuring correctness , and can retain much semantics .

  15. 鸡Leptin基因正确性的免疫验证

    Immuno-verification of Correctness of Cloned Chicken Leptin Gene

  16. 仿真结果表明了SAR星姿态控制实时仿真系统和串行口通信接口模型的正确性。

    Results of simulation show the reliability of this real-time simulation system and the interface models for serial-port communication .

  17. 本文研究了一种精密线性PWM电路及其误差模型,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性。

    This paper presents a new high linear PWM circuit and its error models verified with experimental results .

  18. 开发了理论模型以验证有限元方法用于X射线光刻掩模刻蚀过程数值仿真的正确性。

    An analytical model is developed to verify the numerical simulation for X-ray lithography mask etching process using finite element ( FE ) .

  19. MATLAB数值仿真与样机实验结果证实了该拓扑、模型及理论的正确性。

    The validity of the topology and its model along with the theory is confirmed by both MATLAB numerical simulations and experiment results .

  20. 其次与经典理论解和通用有限元软件ANSYS的结果进行比较说明了本文研究方法的正确性和合理性。

    Secondly , comparing with the theoretical solution and the results of ANSYS indicates the correctness and rationality of the present .

  21. 最后运用ADAMS软件针对不同的肌肉力加载情况进行仿真优化比较,比较不同的仿真结果,验证了肌肉简化及膝关节模型的正确性。

    Using ADAMS program , the model is stimulated by different muscular loading conditions , and then the results are compared .

  22. 同时分析了完全ETL刷新变为增量刷新时遇到的异常,使用预处理、补偿等手段保证增量刷新过程的逻辑正确性。

    In the meantime , analysis is paid for incremental ETL process to maintain logic correctness .

  23. 应用神经网络精确建立了SRM的正模型网络与逆模型网络,仿真结果验证了所建模型的正确性和高精度。

    The ANN-based SRM model whose high precision has been verified by the simulation results is set up .

  24. 而且,还采用ANSYS有限元方法对单层钢框架结构及半柱模型进行非线性静力分析,验证了提出的简化模型的正确性。

    Nonlinear static analysis to single-story steel frame structure and semi-column model is analyzed by ANSYS program . Consequently , it is proved that simplified method is correct .

  25. 通过Matlab,基于各个模块数学模型的基础上,论文还对自动找平控制系统进行了仿真,验证了其正确性。

    With the help of MATLAB , and based on the mathematic model of each module , the paver 's automated leveling system is emulated , and its correctness is verified .

  26. 然而,利用U、Th和K自然放射性年剂量计算出的某些绝对年龄的正确性仍有一些问题。

    However , the validity of some of the absolute age calculated by using the annual dose of U , Th and K radiation remains to be an open question .

  27. 最后,通过湖试试验验证了AUV规划层使命与任务协调方法的正确性。

    Finally , results of lake test are given to validate the mission and task coordination method of the AUV planning layer .

  28. 合成的产物均经过毗邻分析,5'末端~(32)P标记后的电泳-同系层折双向纯度鉴定或凝胶电泳以及核苷酸顺序分析证明了合成产物的均一性和结构的正确性。

    The purity and structure of the products were verified by nearest neighbor analysis and , after ~ ( 32 ) p labeling at their 5 ' - termini , by the electrophoresis-homochromatography two-dimensional analysis , gel electrophoresis and sequence analysis .

  29. 最后用Lode实验说明了新论述的正确性。

    Last , the correctness of the new expositions are explained by using the Lode experiments .

  30. 并通过计算机模拟方法对PERT网络进行模拟计算。证明了偏态分布规律的正确性。

    With the help of computer simulation , the correctness of the nonnormal distribution of the PERT network has been verified .