
  1. 鹿比追捕者跑得快。

    The deer ran faster than its pursuers .

  2. 他知道有些鹿比其它鹿学得要快,对其它同学也很耐心。

    He was also patient with the other students , knowing that some learn more quickly than others .

  3. 一只狮子率领的一群鹿,比一只鹿率领的一头狮子更难对付。

    An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag .

  4. 当然,在“鹿甚至比人多”的瑞典,鹿肉算不上野味,而且几乎每年都会有鹿肉出现在晚宴菜单中,并且据说还是瑞典国王亲自宰杀的。

    Of course ," more deer than people ," sweden , venison is not a game , and almost every year venison appeared in the dinner menu , or the king of Sweden and reportedly killed himself .

  5. 未成年鹿的角比成年鹿的小得多。

    An immature deer has much smaller antlers than an adult deer .