
  • 网络Lighting;the lamp illuminates
  1. 她抬头清楚地看到了被聚光灯照得通明的寺庙。

    She caught a clear view upwards of the spotlit temple .

  2. 结果表明,加有抗紫外线剂的PBT专用料经灯照后60天,拉伸强度仅下降1%,冲击强度下降1-5%,黄光指数小于3。

    The result showed after 60 days of light irradiation , the tensile strength of the PBT filled with UV resistant agent decreased only 1 % , impact strength decreased 1.5 % , and YI was less than 3 .

  3. 荧光灯照明光输出和闪烁的研究

    Study on Lumen Output of Fluorescent Lamp Illumination and Flicker

  4. 那个司机为何用灯照我?

    Why is that driver flashing his lights at me ?

  5. 广场在晚间被泛光灯照得通明,四周全是小旅馆。

    The square was floodlit at night and fringed by guest houses .

  6. 你在逼问什么?干脆拿灯照我的眼睛算了

    Why not just shine a light in my eyes ?

  7. 灯照控制菊花花期的问题

    Question of Using Lamp to Control Chrysanthemum Flowering Season

  8. 此效果与发散的聚光灯照在图像上相似。

    The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the image .

  9. 这个房间又明亮又通风;被聚光灯照得十分明亮的舞台。

    The room was bright and airy ; a stage bright with spotlights .

  10. 把灯照在领航梯部位。

    Adjust the light toward the pilot ladder .

  11. 对荧光灯照明光输出特性的研究和评价十分必要。

    It is necessary completely to study and appraise characteristics of fluorescent lamp illumination .

  12. 夜里棒球场被聚光灯照得通明。

    At night the baseball field is spotlighted .

  13. 据瓦伦提斯的形容,这个飞行器很庞大,被四个着陆灯照得很亮。

    Valentich described the aircraft as large and illuminated by four bright landing lights .

  14. 突然击钹之声大作,聚光灯照出了一个身着奇装异服的表演者。

    Suddenly , cymbals crashed and the spotlight picked out a strangely dressed performer .

  15. 耀眼的聚光灯照得我直眨眼。

    The dazzling spotlights made me blink .

  16. 大厅里的荧光灯照得如同白昼。

    The fluorescent lamps in the hall shine brightly as if it were in the daytime .

  17. 头上刺眼的荧光灯照下来,让人看上去苍老而疲惫,这会影响士气。

    Having harsh overhead fluorescent light that makes you look old and harassed is bad for morale .

  18. 要把聚光灯照向放牛班的学生,让他们有机会证明放牛班也有春天。

    This story highlighted the students from a weak class , allowing them a chance to prove themselves .

  19. 这时虽是夜晚,但是,林荫道同往常一样,给泛光灯照得通明月。

    It was night now , but the mall as usual was bright with floodlights . A car pulled up .

  20. 译文:牛顿发明了一种点蜡烛的纸灯笼,在昏暗的冬天早晨上学时他就是打着这种灯照路。

    Newton invented a paper lantern illuminated by a candle which he carried with him to light his way to school on dark winter morning .

  21. 没人伤害过我,事实上,在霓虹灯照不到的黑暗缝隙中,那种恐惧带来的战栗感觉反而让我非常享受。

    Nobody harms me , and , actually , I rather enjoy that tremor of menace , in the dark interstices between the neon lights .

  22. 用一个灯照著悬挂的镜子,镜子上附著一块磁铁。这是制作磁力计最简单也最便宜的方式。

    Using a light shining on a suspended mirror with a magnet attached to it is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to make a magnetometer .

  23. 我是有童年的,而我也可以在镁光灯照不到的、属于我的世界里犯错和做我自己。

    But I had a childhood , and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight .

  24. 剑轩里,我以兰草结灯,照清我青春时期的梦境。

    I wove the lantern with orchid in the sword hous , with whichthe dreams in my youth were illuminated .

  25. 就在车子开到土路中树林特别茂密的一段时,我看到在车子远光灯没有照到的地方有个什么东西。

    As we reached the area on the dirt road where the trees closed in around us I saw something just outside the glow of our high beams .

  26. 不太被人关注是件很美妙的事情,但我现在感到,有一盏更大、更明亮的聚光灯正照在我们头上。

    It is wonderful when you are slightly under the radar but I feel like there is a bigger , brighter spotlight being shown on us right now .

  27. HPLC结果又表明,硫灯和氙灯照光生长的番茄幼苗叶片中黄酮醇总量没有显著差异。

    HPLC assay showed no significant difference in total flavonol content in tomato seedling leaves grown in either high or low R / FR condition .

  28. 针对上述问题,我们成功研制了既易于散热又能有效提高光源利用率的LED灯阵列内照式光催化反应器。

    In response to these problems , we have successfully developed a inner irradiation type photoreactor with LED light source . It can easy to cooling and effectively improve the photo energy efficiency .

  29. 灯从那里照过来的?

    Where 's that light coming from ? Oh , come on .

  30. 把你的灯往这儿照。

    Shine your light over here .