
  • 网络Luminaire efficiency;Lamp efficiency
  1. 利用系数有可能大于灯具效率吗?

    Are there any possibility of utilization factor greater than luminaire efficiency ?

  2. 文中给出了一种真正衡量灯具效率的方法,并指出按目前测试方法得到的比值应该称为灯具光输出比。

    Then it introduces a new method to test luminaire efficiency , and point out it should be called luminaire light output ratio according to the present test method .

  3. 利用环带法计算灯具效率和绘制配光曲线

    Estimating Lamp Efficiency and Plotting Light Adjusting Curve by Using Ring Band Method

  4. 灯具的效率是很让人困惑。

    The efficiency of lamps can be confusing .

  5. 道路照明灯具的灯具效率剖析

    An Analysis of Luminaire Efficiency for Road Lighting

  6. 本文阐述了目前使用高压钠灯为光源的道路灯具出现高灯具效率的原因,指出这种高灯具效率是以牺牲光源寿命为代价的。

    The paper expatiates on the reason of HPS road lighting fixture with a high luminaire efficiency , and indicates this high luminaire efficiency is obtained at the cost of lamp life .