
dēnɡ ɡuānɡ zhào mínɡ
  • lighting
  1. 其中的十一棵树安装了太阳能光伏电池,为灯光照明发电,还有用于给温室降温的水技术。

    Eleven of the trees are embedded with solar photovoltaics to generate electricity for lighting and water technologies to help cool the conservatories .

  2. 视力表悬挂在光线充足的地方,但不能让阳光照到视力表上,或用均匀一致亮度恒定的灯光照明。

    Sight table , suspended in light of the place , but you cannot let the sunlight to the vision on the table , or even consistent brightness constant lighting .

  3. 该系统主要面向LED灯具应用市场,辅助客户方便、快捷地使用LED灯具,采用该系统有助缩短灯光照明系统设计时间。

    This simulating system is applied mainly for LED markets , to help customers to use LED lamp easily and save the time of designing LED lighting system .

  4. 企业灯光照明的效率与节电技术研究

    Research on Efficiency and Economize Electricity of Enterprise 's Light Illumination

  5. 服装零售店的灯光照明和目标市场的研究

    The lighting design of apparel retail shops and its target market

  6. 那个时代,在大型室内用灯光照明是非常困难的。

    It was difficult to light large indoor spaces during this time .

  7. 篮球场灯光照明问题的算法设计

    Algorithm Design for the Problem of Illuminating a Basketball Field

  8. 夜间施工必须有充足的灯光照明。

    Enough lightening must be provided for construction at night .

  9. 我们可以把鸽子放在一间只用灯光照明的房间里。

    We can keep pigeons in a room lighted only by lamps .

  10. 全灯光照明的高尔夫球场,从各个方面来看都是典型的迪拜特色。

    In many ways , a fully floodlit golf course is typical Dubai .

  11. 堤道上的灯光照明很糟糕,连一辆汽车也没有。

    The causeway was badly lit , there was not a single car .

  12. 城市建筑物夜景灯光照明浅析

    Analysis on Nightscape Lamplight Illumination of Urban Buildings

  13. 舞台灯光照明也不太令人满意。

    The stage light wasn 't satisfactory either .

  14. 是否灯光照明设备和其他环境符合要求?

    Are lighting and other environmental requirements adequate ?

  15. 月台上有一盏灯光照明,但是小孩们的脸在阴影中。

    A lamp lit the platform , but the children 's faces remained in a shadow .

  16. 叙述了上海建筑灯光照明的历史、背景、发展的几个阶段。

    The history , background and developmen stage of lamp lighting of architecture in shanghai were described .

  17. 室内灯光照明随着我们的生活水平的提高,我国家庭对照明设计的要求也在提高。

    Indoor lamplight illume with our standard of living rise , our family of lighting design requirements are improved .

  18. 室内的灯光照明艺术和实体造型艺术构成了室内视觉环境设计的主体。

    The interior lighting illumination arts and the objects plastic arts make up of the objects of interior visual environmental design .

  19. 在有冰中灯光照明的传统圆顶冰屋住一晚,或在有玻璃房顶的客房睡上一夜。

    Spend the night in a traditional igloo illuminated by lights in the ice , or sleep in a glass igloo .

  20. 恒流调光器作为供电电源与隔离变压器、灯具(灯)共同组成机场灯光照明系统。

    Airport flight light system is comprised of constant current regulator that as a electrical supplied source 、 isolation transformer and lamps .

  21. 如何提高系统的音视频质量,文章从声学设计、灯光照明、音视频设备安装技术等方面进行了探讨。

    How to raise the audio-visual quality , this article explores the acoustics design and installing technique of lamps and audio-visual devices respectively .

  22. 智能照明控制系统是智能照明的核心,不同的控制系统能够实现不同的灯光照明效果。

    Smart lighting control system functions as the core of smart lighting , and different control systems can take on distinct lighting effects .

  23. 霓虹灯照明:霓虹灯光照明在底层商业部分的招牌和广告中体现多彩多姿的氛围。

    Neon light lighting : The neon light illuminates in the placard and advertisements of the first floor business part the body colorful atmosphere now .

  24. 导向信息设计是医疗环境空间设计的重要组成部分,它涉及到视觉传达设计、环境艺术设计、多媒体设计、灯光照明和材料设计等多个领域。

    Hospital guiding facility designing is an important part of the medical environment , which involves manoeuvring of environment , visual effect , lighting and materials .

  25. 例如,无论是早上还是晚间,进入和离开客车的时候,每个阶梯上都设有灯光照明。

    For example , entering and leaving the coach can be done as safely during daytime and by night , due to the lights in each step .

  26. 在参与调查的133个地方政府中,有98个表示正减少灯光照明,或正打算这样做。

    In total , 98 out of133 local authorities who responded to a survey said were scaling back street lighting , or were looking into doing so .

  27. 稀土离子掺杂的荧光材料被广泛地应用于灯光照明、平板显示、光学通讯以及制作激光器等领域。晶体和玻璃常常作为稀土离子掺杂的基质材料。

    Luminescent materials based on lanthanide ions has been widely used as phosphors in lamps and display , components in optical communication , and active materials in laser devices .

  28. 所以我针对酒店室内灯光照明的特点,对酒店灯光照明的光源的合理利用与选择、提高照明效果的色温设计、显色性照明的几个注意事项等重点进行了研究。

    Therefore at the earlier stage of design , we should take the choice of lamps , the features of light source and the way of illumination into account .

  29. 在6层楼的芭比旗舰店,一部自动扶梯将好奇的上海人送上粉红灯光照明的长长通道,通道中回响着孩子们咯咯的笑声,尽头是一个装饰得琳琅满目的人造仙境。

    Inside the six-story Barbie flagship store an escalator carries curious Shanghainese up a long , pink illuminated tunnel echoing with recordings of giggling children and disgorges them into a plastic wonderland of frills and accessories .

  30. 考虑到有很多玩家还很关注草皮状况,我们的画面引擎将会采用崭新的灯光照明系统,就像电视转播一样。

    We 're also taking into account that you still need to be able to see the action of the pitch , though , so the graphics engine uses the same lighting tricks that TV uses for broadcast .