
zhū máo cài
  • salsola collina
猪毛菜[zhū máo cài]
  1. 猪毛菜体内的Pro和MDA含量最小,说明猪毛菜对环境的适应能力最强,是可能是一种拒盐植物。

    Salsola collina have the least Pro and MDA contents than the other two plants , so Salsola collina may be a kind of salt-exclusion .

  2. 目的:研究藜科Chenopodiaceae猪毛菜属植物猪毛菜Salsolacollina全草的化学成分。

    Objective : To study the chemical constituents of Salsola collina .

  3. 杨树叶在绒山羊瘤胃的有效降解率极显著(P0.01)高于柠条和猪毛菜;

    The PED ( Potential Effective Digestibility ) of poplar leaves in goat rumen is significantly higher ( p0.01 ) than those of Caragana and Salsola ;

  4. 综合考虑可消化干物质和沉积N供给能力,柠条、猪毛菜、杨树叶等非常规粗饲料与玉米秸秆混合时,适宜添加比例分别为:42~43%、42~51%和26~42%。

    Considering the availabilities of digestible dry matter and deposited nitrogen in the animal rumens , the suitable proportion of Caragana , Salsola and poplar leaves in the mixture with maize straws are 42 ~ 43 % , 42 ~ 51 % and 26 ~ 42 % , respectively .

  5. 猪毛菜幼苗的发育解剖学研究

    Developmental and Anatomical Studies on the Seedling of Salsola collina

  6. 猪毛菜可以作为盐碱地“生物脱盐器”。

    Therefore , S.collina may be used as biological ameliorant of salt soil .

  7. 目的为猪毛菜的开发和利用提供鉴定的依据。

    ObjectiveTo engage in a system at pharmacognostical study on Salsola collina Pall .

  8. 结论所发现的这些特征可作为鉴定猪毛菜的依据。

    ConclusionThese studies provide reference information for further development , identification of this crude drug .

  9. 我们对紫翅猪毛菜的种子形态、萌发特性及结实格局进行了观测研究。

    Preliminary study on seed germination characteristics of different genotypes at harvest periods in flue cured tobacco ;

  10. 而黄蒿和猪毛菜则是通过群落密度的下降和适宜的种子萌发条件。

    Scoparia and S.collina was come from the decrease of community densities and the more suitable conditions for seed germination ;

  11. 猪毛菜对乙酰胆碱及刺激迷走神经离中端所致降压作用无影响,阿托品不阻断猪毛菜的降压作用。

    The drug had no influence on the hypotensive action of acetylcholine and the depressor response induced by electric stimulation of the peripheral end of vagus nerve .

  12. 猪毛菜具有发达的内分泌组织,有大量分泌腔,且有粘液细胞和大量薄壁细胞,是耐盐植物,耐盐性强;

    The internal secretion tissue was more , such as exudation cavity in S.collina and with thinner wall cells and mucus cells . Therefore , S.collina was stronger salt-tolerant plant .

  13. 珍珠猪毛菜种群年龄结构在整体上为稳定型锥体,但局部表现为下降型锥体,种群开始衰败,静态生命曲线为正态分布型;

    Salsola passerina community generally showed a stable cone shape of growth in age structure except partially appeared an inversed cone shape of growth thus beginning to decline , and it displayed a normal distribution in static life curve ;