
  • 网络educational value orientation
  1. 百年乡村教育价值取向及对未来的启示

    Century Rural Educational Value Orientation and Inspiration for the Future

  2. 仅凭这一点,它也就可以作为应有的教育价值取向了。

    Only for this , it can become the educational value orientation .

  3. 高师美术教育价值取向与教育功能的全面凸现

    Values Orientation of Art Education and Educational Function in Normal University

  4. 中国近现代高等教育价值取向研究

    Research into Value Orientation of Chinese Higher Education in Modern Times

  5. 初中科学课教育价值取向及其实现的基本策略初探

    Educational Importance and Strategy of Science Course in the Middle School

  6. 两种哲学观指导下的高等教育价值取向

    The Value-orientation of Higher Education under the Guidance of Two Philosophies

  7. 研究生管理工作的教育价值取向

    Value Orientation of Education in the Management of Graduate Affairs

  8. 什么是美术教育价值取向?

    What does the value tropism of art education mean ?

  9. 论教育价值取向的分歧与融合&兼论教育的平等与效率问题

    On Divergence and Reconciliation on the Orientation of Educational Value

  10. 远程教育价值取向的转型分析

    The Transforming Analysis of the Tendency of Value in Open Distance Education

  11. 教育价值取向与社会转型期教育公平论析

    Analysis of Educational Value Tendency and Justice in Transition Period

  12. 高校教学评估的教育价值取向分析

    Analysis on Educational Value Orientation of Universities ' Teaching Evaluation

  13. 西方科学教育价值取向的四段演变历程

    Four Phases of the Aim in Western Science Education

  14. 全球化背景下世界课程改革的教育价值取向分析

    The Value Orientations of the World Curriculum Reform under the Background of Globalization

  15. 可持续发展理念下的教育价值取向探讨

    Discussion on educational value orientation of sustainable development

  16. 在不同的文化背景与社会环境中,存在着不同的教育价值取向。

    There are different education value orientations exist in different culture background and social environment .

  17. 教育价值取向的偏差势必带来教育在实现其价值过程中的现实走向的偏差。

    Any deviation of value-orientation may result in wrong doing in the implementation of education .

  18. 第三部分是对关注个体生命的教育价值取向的初步论述。

    The third part tentatively discusses concern over individual life , the new educational value orientation .

  19. 首先要树立以人为本、面向生活世界的人文教育价值取向;

    First , we should establish the humane education ideas that centers on " human based ";

  20. 教育价值取向本土化的思考

    The Localization Orientation of Educational Value

  21. 儿童需要什么样的科学&对我国儿童科学教育价值取向的思考

    Children Need What Kind of Science & thoughts on the value orientation of children science education

  22. 建国以来基础教育价值取向:嬗变与反思

    On the Value Orientation in Elementary Education from the Foundation of PRC : Transformation and Reflection

  23. 文化传递模式与教育价值取向:一种社会学分析

    The Mode of Culture Transfer and the Tropism of Education Value : A Kind of Sociological Analysis

  24. 新基础教育价值取向与减负

    On A New Value Orientation Centered on Humans in the Elementary Education and Burdens of Students in Learning

  25. 目前,中国高中存在两种主要的教育价值取向,即高考主义和素质主义。

    Currently exist two main educational value orientations in China 's high school education : examination-oriented education and quality education .

  26. 不同的历史时代、社会制度、文化背景和价值导向下,会形成不同的教育价值取向。

    The educational value orientation is not the same in the different history , society , cultural background and value .

  27. 学校教育价值取向研究是教育价值取向研究的进一步分化,是一种理论与实践相互关照的研究。

    The research of schooling value-orientation is the deepening of educational value-direction research . This research combines theory with practice .

  28. 随着当代高等教育价值取向的多元化,经典大学理念的内涵将发生相应的变化。

    With the pluralism of the contemporary higher education development , the connotation of the classic university idea will change correspondingly .

  29. 教育价值取向的变化落实到语文教学中,则主要是通过语文教学大纲、语文教材以及现实中的教学来体现。

    The implementation of educational value changes mainly through the language curriculum , language teaching materials and teaching to reflect reality .

  30. 白裤瑶的学校教育价值取向变迁是合规律性与合目的性的统一。

    The change of value orientation to the school education by Baik Yao people is the unity of regularity and purposiveness .