
  1. 美国西裔移民双语教育的语言战略思想

    Language Strategic Principles of Hispanic Bilingual ^ Education in the US

  2. 在语言与文学之间&对大学文学教育的语言论转向反思

    Between Language and Literature & Reflection on Linguistic Veer in College Literature Teaching

  3. 德育工作者谈话教育的语言艺术

    Linguistic Art Used by Moral Educationists in Their Talk-education

  4. 制约理论掌握群众的主要因素是:理论研究和宣传教育的语言表达流于晦涩和贫乏;

    The major factors of the constrained theory controlling the masses are the followings : the expressions of theoretical research and public education are obscure and indigent ;

  5. 与语文教育中的语言教育不同,它有着鲜明的自身特色。

    Different from that of Chinese teaching , it has its own typical feature .

  6. 而在边缘国家,英语语言教学霸权的历史建立已逐渐演化成为教育领域的语言帝国主义。

    In periphery countries , ELT ( English Language Teaching ) hegemony creates linguistic imperialism in education .

  7. 那些还留在这里的人经常缺乏必要的技能,包括英语能力。1975年,马来语取代了英语,成为教育的标准语言。

    Those who remain often lack the required skills , including English : Malay replaced English as the standard language for education in1975 .

  8. 语文教育的内容包括语言教育和文学教育两部分。

    The content of Chinese education includes language education and literature education .

  9. 试论双语教育下的民族语言与文化的保持

    On Maintenance of Minority Language and Culture in Bilingual Education

  10. 古代罗马受过教育的人的语言。

    The language of educated people in ancient Rome .

  11. 外语教育中的整体语言方法

    Whole Language Approach in FL Education

  12. 专门用途英语起源于国外对移民进行的语言培训和职业教育中的特别语言特征培训。英语学习之路:我从初中开始学英语,我上过新东方的很多培训课程,我喜欢他们的授课风格。

    ESP came into being as a result of language training for immigrants and professionals . English learning path : I learned English from junior middle school . I 've been in many English coaching classes in New Oriental School and I like their teaching style .

  13. SAYBOT:有许多人在中国接受了高等教育,但是他们的语言水平有时可能不如一个本土英语国家的小孩。

    Question : Even among the people in China who received high education , the spoken-English level is much lower than that of young children in any native English-speaking country .

  14. 护理过程中健康教育的时机选择和语言运用

    Timing of Health Education during Nursing Procedure and Relevant Wording Skills

  15. 聋教育的最大挑战是语言教学问题。

    The main challenge for deaf-education lies in language teaching .

  16. 浅谈护士在社区健康教育中应具备的语言技巧

    Discussion on Language Skills That Nurse Should Possess in Health Education for District Resident

  17. 作为教育交往的媒介,语言只有转化为直接性的言语才能真正实现教育交往。

    Real educational communication can be realized only when language as a medium is changed into speech .

  18. 作为教育的初级阶段,语言课堂教学在理论和实践上都有了很大的发展。

    As the primary stage of education , language classroom teaching has been greatly developed both in practice and theory .

  19. 葡萄牙高等教育国际化改革中的语言政策探析&以埃维罗大学为例

    A Review on the Language Policy in the Internationalization Reform of Portuguese Higher Education & A Case Study of Aveiro University

  20. 第十二条汉语言文字为学校及其他教育机构的基本教学语言文字。

    Article 12 The spoken and written Chinese language shall be the basic spoken and written language in teaching in schools and other institutions of education .

  21. 我国英语专业教学强调四会技能,有一定的负面作用,使英语教育有变成单纯的语言技能训练的倾向。

    In Chinese universities , English teaching has placed too much emphasis on skills training : English majors take English studies as a mere language acquisition practice .

  22. 无论是对内的外语教育,还是对外的语言国际推广,其政策目标的实现归根结底依赖于对个体语言技能资本投资决策的影响和改变。

    No matter foreign language teaching at home or language promotion abroad , their policy effect will be realized by influencing and changing decisions of individuals ' language skills capital investment .

  23. 并根据调查分析结果进一步从语用和语文教育的角度思考网络语言对中学生产生的正面和负面的双重影响。

    With the materials derived from the investigation , this paper provided a careful analysis of the positive and negative influences on the middle school students from the view of language usage and education .

  24. 黄廖本《现代汉语》是教育部公布的中国语言文学专业重点使用的教材之一,也是我国高等院校文科使用较普遍的一部教材。

    " Modern Chinese " compiled by Huang and Liao is one of the major textbooks recommended by Educational ministry for students specializing in Chinese linguistics and literature , and it is also more commonly used in colleges of arts in our country .

  25. 西部大开发,人才是关键,人才的基础在教育,教育的切入点在语言。

    Language is the key point of education , the basis of training qualified personnel , who are very important for the development of the Western areas .

  26. 高等职业教育学科建设的思路探索在高等职业教育学科建设中,当务之急是抓好四项工作:一是规范高等职业教育学的专有语言,使之逐步具有涵义清楚、科学稳定的概念体系和规范语言;

    Probing at the Idea of the Discipline Structure of Vocational Education in Universities In the disciplinary construction of higher vocational education , the following four tasks are of top priority : normalization of the proper terms of higher vocational pedagogy ;