
  • 网络touch technology
  1. Gravity应用程序应用3D触摸技术,可将称重物的重量转化为数据。而苹果貌似对这个程序不感兴趣,拒绝在应用商店中上线。

    Called Gravity , the app uses the handset 's 3D Touch technology to turn the display into a scale , but Apple doesn 't appear to be a fan of the app and has rejected it from the store .

  2. 只有在当时占据主导地位的iPod音乐播放器面临竞争、而乔布斯寻求反击的时候——他提出,触摸技术将使手机用起来不太“让人焦虑”——后,该项目才形成势头。另一位苹果前工程师雨果?

    It was revived only when Jobs , looking to head off looming competition to the then-dominant iPod music player , suggested touch technology would make mobile phones less " angsty " to use .

  3. 经重新设计的新系统包括全新的智能通知,融合了iPhone6S的3D触摸技术;

    The software has been redesigned to include new smart notifications that use the iPhone 6S 's 3D touch .

  4. 但是,多触摸技术的开发人员大体上更多地关注游戏。

    But multitouch developers have largely focused on games .

  5. 惠普已经开始销售一款拥有触摸技术早期版本的电脑。

    H.P.has been selling a PC with an early version of touch technology .

  6. 他们将声脉冲识别触摸技术结合到无缝屏幕上。

    They combine the Acoustic Pulse Recognition touch technology with a seamless screen .

  7. 在众多变化中,还有一点就是对触摸技术和姿态控制的支持全面了许多。

    Among the changes are much more comprehensive support for touch-based computing and gesture controls .

  8. 多点触摸技术能够实现更好的人机交互性能,近年来得到广泛的关注。

    Multiple touch technology has been concerned in recent years which can achieve better performance of human-computer interaction .

  9. 因此,寻找一种可以同时突破苹果公司专利和使用环境的多点触摸技术变得日益迫切。

    Therefore , looking for a way to both breakthrough Apple patent and use environment of multi-touch technology is becoming increasingly urgent .

  10. 触摸技术作为一种刚刚兴起的人机交互方式,在工业、娱乐和个人数码设备方面正得到越来越广泛的应用。

    As a newly emerging human-computer interaction , touch technology is more and more widely used in industry , entertainment , and personal digital equipment .

  11. 屏幕包含电容触摸技术,这意味着屏幕对人的手指有反应,但是对笔尖或者其他的压力不起反应。

    The screens incorporate capacitance-touch technology , which means that they respond to a human fingertip but not to a stylus or other forms of pressure .

  12. 高性能的图像处理技术是基于视觉的多点触摸技术的关键,对于特征点的检测和跟踪是完成多点触摸系统的基础。

    The fundamental technique of vision-based multi-touch technique is the high performance image processing , the basic of the multi-touch system is the blob recognition and tracking .

  13. 多点触摸技术是自2007年起兴起的一项多路输入技术,是计算机人机交互领域的一项重要创新。

    Multi-touch technology is a multi-channel input technology which has been rising since 2007 . It is an important innovation in Human and Computer Interaction ( HCI ) field .

  14. 本论文在这样的情景下,对多点触摸技术中的手指定位做了细致的探讨,研究了其中可能会遇到的问题,给出了一个初步的应用示例。

    In the above background , this paper is researching on finger positon of multi-touch technology , the problems which it may faces and it gives a preliminary application example .

  15. 感觉信号的处理一直是神经科学领域研究的热点,体感感觉因其遍布全身的感受器以及在触摸技术领域的广泛应用越来越受到重视。

    Processing of somatosensory signal has always been a hot spot in neuroscience . It receives more attention due to the numerous receptors spreading all over the body and the ever-growing applications in haptic technology . However , the basic mechanism of this process is largely undiscovered .

  16. 基于PLC和触摸屏技术的数控电解加工机床研制

    Development of ECM Machine Tool Based on PLC and Touch Screen

  17. 基于PLC和触摸屏技术的压铸机控制系统研究

    The Research of the Die-casting Control System with PLC and Screen Touching Technology

  18. PLC和触摸屏技术在真空玻璃生产线控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC and Touch Screen Technology to Control System of Vacuum Glass Production Line

  19. 控制基本原理是基于PID算法的闭环控制,结构上用PLC结合触摸屏技术来实现。

    The principle is based on PID closed-loop control . Control system is composed with PLC and touch screen .

  20. 要本文介绍了采用PLC和触摸屏技术的蓄电池放电控制系统。

    The paper introduces Battery Discharging system based on PLC and Touch Screen , PLC is used as the controlling-core ;

  21. 介绍了用PLC和触摸屏技术对该机床电控系统进行改造的方案。

    Puts forward a new method to reform the electrical-controlling system of the machine tool by PLC and touch screen .

  22. 基于PLC和HMI触摸屏技术的平推锯控制系统

    A Control System for Horizontal Driving Sawing Machine Based On PLC And HMI Touch Panel Technology

  23. 而光学触摸屏技术则是利用LED灯管照射出红外光,然后检测这些红外光被人手遮挡的状况,以此来达到实现触摸控制的目的,光学触屏技术的控制精度更高,但价格也更为昂贵。

    Optical touch technology relies on detecting the interruption of an infrared LED light source or special reflective surfaces , and is highly accurate and cost effective .

  24. 最后利用PLC对各个系统的控制进行软件设计,并通过触摸屏技术将控制过程实现可视化和及时修改控制参数,从而达到控制系统的控制要求。

    Finally , design software for PLC control of each system , and through the touch screen technology to control process visualization and modify control parameters .

  25. 作者利用自行设计的燃气红外线路面加热小车进行大量实验得到丰富的数据,以可编程控制器PLC为控制核心开发各种加热模式的控制程序,并采用触摸屏技术使操作界面更友好。

    The programs of several kinds of heating mode based on the PLC programming are developed and the touch-screen technology is adapted to make the interface more friendly .

  26. 触摸屏技术及其μCLinux下的驱动设计

    Touch Screen Technology and It 's Drive Design in μ CLinux

  27. 触摸屏技术是目前嵌入式产品中普遍使用的一项技术,这项技术除了依靠功能强大的硬件还要结合高性能、高可靠的操作系统与GUI图形界面才能有效实现。

    Now touch screen technology is commonly used in embedded products , apart from relying on the powerful hardware , its effective must combine GUI and operating system .

  28. 苹果公司(AppleInc.)的iPhone无疑是移动电话行业的革命性产品,其便于使用的触摸屏技术可以让用户浏览网络,敲打短信息或者操控任何数量的新颍应用软件。

    Apple Inc. 's iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web , tap out messages or control any number of inventive applications .

  29. 本文采用PLC作为核心处理器对等离子设备外围电路进行控制,利用PLC自带模拟输出端口对电流进行实时调节,并且采用触摸屏技术实现了可视化的人机对话效果。

    Take the programmable-logic-controller which with analog output port as the core processor not only to control the peripheral devices , but real-time adjust the current . On the other hand , the touch screen technology can achieve the visual effects of man-machine dialogue .

  30. 简要介绍了应用FP∑可编程控制器,设计一种具有较强功能的全自动生产流水线,并介绍PLC、MCGS组态软件及触摸屏技术在自动流水线的应用。

    By FP ∑ programmable controllers design for a strong function of the automatic production lines , is introduced . the application of PLC , MCGS and touching screen technology onthe automatic assembly line are presented .