
  1. 实验结果证明该算法能有效提高THIN系统处理计算密集型任务的性能。

    Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the performance of THIN systems in dealing with great scale compute – intensive tasks .

  2. 一些计算密集型任务可以在FPGA上灵活的实现并执行,硬件任务作为一个和软件任务等同的概念出现在系统设计中,使传统的软硬件协同设计领域发生了重大的变革。

    Certain computation-centered tasks are able to be implemented and executed neatly on FPGA , enabling the hardware task the equal concept in the system design as well as the software one , and fostering dramatic changes in the traditional software and hardware cooperation area .

  3. 然而SDTV/HDTV是计算密集型任务,而且使用多线程来将计算任务分配不同CPU核心所带来的性能提升将会依赖于CPU核心数量,所以这种优化的效果是有限的。

    However , SDTV / HDTV is a compute-intensive task . And the performance improvement brought by the use of multi-thread which distributes computing tasks to different CPU core will depend on the number of CPU cores . So the effect of this optimization is limited .

  4. 通常,放置和调整部件大小并非计算密集型任务,但是可能涉及不同的因素和细节,需要多方考虑。

    In general , placing and resizing widgets is not a computation-intensive task , but it may involve various considerations and details .

  5. 三维人体模型生成引擎生成个性化的三维人体模型,需要处理大量原始数据,是典型的计算密集型任务。

    It is a apparently compute-intensive task to generate a individual 3D mannequin using the engine with mass of original data processed .

  6. 讨论了在一个由高速局域网连接的高性能异构工作站平台上,如何有效地利用空闲工作站来求解计算密集型任务矩阵相乘的问题。

    An algorithm , which solves the cooperated concurrent computing tasks & matrix multiplication by using the idle cycle of a number of high performance heterogeneous workstations interconnected by a high speed network , is proposed .

  7. 然而,分子对接是计算密集型任务,针对每一个靶标蛋白的对接过程通常涉及数百万个化合物分子,不仅计算量很大,而且会产生海量的对接结果数据。

    However , molecular docking is a computationally intensive task . For a target protein , docking process usually involves millions or even tens of millions of molecular compounds . This process not only involves a large amount of calculation , but also will produce massive docking result data .

  8. 由于网络带宽的提高和IPSec协议的引入,有必要用硬件方式实现分组加密等计算密集型的任务以改善关键网络设备的安全处理性能和实时性。

    With the increase of network bandwidth and the application of Internet Protocol Security ( IPSec ), it is necessary to implement the compute-intensive portions of IPSec , such as block cipher algorithm , by hardware to improve the security performance and real-time requirement of the key equipments .

  9. 分子对接是计算密集型的任务,需要大量的计算资源。

    Molecular docking is a compute-intensive task that requires a lot of computing resources .

  10. 此外,多媒体应用领域更多的是基于以字为单位的数据类型的定点运算,这些计算密集型的任务更适合于粗粒度的体系结构。

    Furthermore , multimedia applications stress integer arithmetic on word-organized data and thus benefit from a coarse-grained architecture .

  11. 对于计算密集型的任务具有以下特点:1.计算任务规模大,计算时间长;2.不同类型的计算任务其计算复杂度不同,使得其计算强度相差巨大。

    The compute-intensive computing tasks have the following characteristics : 1 . large-scale , long computation time ; 2 .

  12. 高性能集群的应用非常的广泛,一般用在高计算量,密集型任务中。

    The high-performance clusters are being used widely ; it is normally applied on high-throughput calculation-intensive tasks .

  13. 并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务时间开销的有力途径。

    Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task .

  14. 他们忘了将临时开销计入预算中。并行计算降低计算密集型计算任务时间开销的有力途径。

    They forgot to figure in occasional expenses in a budget Parallel processing is a powerful way to reduce time cost in computation-intense task .