
jì fēn bǎn
  • scoreboard
  1. 从本系列的第一篇文章开始,SnailBait一直有一个处于非工作状态的计分板。

    Snail Bait has had a nonworking scoreboard ever since the first article in this series .

  2. 现在是时候让其发挥计分板的功效了。

    Now it 's time to make the scoreboard functional .

  3. 每个计分板中可以嵌入BI功能,从而帮助对快速变化的业务情况进行分析。

    Each scorecard can have BI capabilities embedded into it for on-going analysis in a fast-changing situation .

  4. 开赛不久C罗就接莫德里奇妙传破门刷新计分板,此后又通过贝尔在禁区内跌倒创造的点球破门得分。

    Ronaldo was quickly on the score sheet when he converted from a superb Luka Modric pass and he doubled his tally from the spot after Gareth Bale was felled inside the penalty area .

  5. 可以给计分板中的每个指标分配一个所有者。

    Each metric in a scorecard can be assigned an owner .

  6. 可以按在整体战略路线中的优先级对每个计分板进行排名。

    Each scorecard can be ranked by priority within the entire strategy map .

  7. 计分板显示玩家编号。

    Scoreboard now lists player ID for all players .

  8. 在打到第3局的时候,电子计分板出了一点问题。

    There was a problem with the electronic scoreboard in the third set .

  9. 老妈,难道你看不到计分板吗比分是44比12耶,我们输惨了

    Mom , can you not see the scoreboard ? It 's 44-12 . We 're getting creamed .

  10. 经济增长日程为选民提供了一个给政策打分的计分板:某种政策平台是否会促进财政巩固和税收改革?

    A growth agenda suggests a policy scorecard for voters : does a policy platform promote fiscal consolidation and tax reform ?

  11. 体育馆内配有完善的中央空调系统,大型电子计分板和中小型电子计分显示器,电视监控。

    Gymnasium with a complete central air conditioning system , a large electronic scoreboard and small electronic scoring displays , TV monitor .

  12. 确实是这样。我们已经把所有这些记下来。把公司标识体现在电子计分板上也很重要。

    Certainly , I 've already put all these down . It 's also important to put our logo on the electronic scoreboard .

  13. 现在的问题是我们可能不想让计分板在显示的数值没有变化时仍旧五颜六色地闪个不停。

    The problem here is that we probably don 't want the scoreboard to flash with pretty colors when the number displayed doesn 't change .

  14. 可以在总体战略路线中查看每个计分板,更方便地决定计分板如何适应总体计划的发展。

    Each scorecard can be viewed within the overall strategy map , making it easier to determine how the scorecard fits as the overall plan evolves .

  15. 由于这个计分板应用程序差不多每秒要更新一次,这样就将此公司的运转情况及时地传递给了高级管理层以供其快速地发现任何不正常之处。

    As the scorecard application updated every second or so , it relayed a heartbeat of the company to senior management , who were quick to pick up on any irregularities .

  16. 作为一家拥有27个成员国的组织,欧盟领导人同时宣布了加强欧元区经济治理的计划,包括严格国家预算的相互监督、加强对负债水平的关注以及开发一种计分板以评估竞争力。

    The leaders of the 27-nation bloc also set out plans for stronger economic governance of the eurozone , involving stricter mutual surveillance of national budgets , closer attention to debt levels and the development of a scoreboard for assessing competitiveness .