
zhōnɡ chǎnɡ xiū xi
  • half-time break
  1. 他在曼联与布莱克本比赛的中场休息时间在OT的草皮上接受了查尔顿爵士的颁奖。

    He was crowned World Skills Final champion by Sir Bobby Charlton on the Old Trafford pitch during the half-time break of United 's match against Blackburn Rovers .

  2. 他又进球了,使得中场休息时达特福德队以3:0落后。

    He scored again , leaving Dartford trailing 3-0 at the break

  3. 决定本场比赛结果的进球是在中场休息前一刻打入的。

    The goal that decided the match came just before the interval

  4. 就在中场休息前,该守门员由于肋骨受伤被用担架抬下场。

    The goalkeeper was stretchered off just before half-time with a rib injury .

  5. 中场休息时英格兰队落后两球。

    England were two goals behind at the interval .

  6. 临近中场休息时,哈迪曼差点梅开二度。

    As half time neared , Hardyman almost scored twice

  7. PepTalk鼓励的话定义:(名词)旨在激励某人的简短讨论。中场休息时,教练给队员们讲了一些鼓舞士气的话。

    Definition : ( noun ) a short discussion intended to motivate someone The coach gave the players a pep talk during halftime .

  8. 中场休息时间,碧昂丝激情献唱,其中包括“CrazyinLove”和“Halo”两首经典曲目。

    She sang a medley of her biggest hits , including " Crazy in Love " and " Halo . "

  9. 现在是美国司法系统与国际足联(Fifa)比赛的中场休息时间。

    It is half-time in the match between the US justice system and Fifa .

  10. 在中场休息的时候,卡卡获得来自USSI因为他为体育所做贡献颁发的银球。

    During the half-time interval , Ricky Kak à received the Silver Ball from USSI for his services to sport .

  11. 比赛规则必须说明中场休息的时间。

    Competition rules must state the duration of the half-time interval .

  12. 他的意思是你们应该来个中场休息

    What he means is you guys can use a timeout .

  13. 我们的教练在中场休息时通常用粉笔画图给我们进行讲解。

    Our coach usually gives us a chalk talk during halftime .

  14. 到中场休息时,山东队是51:39领先。

    By the half-time interval , Shandong were ahead 51-39 .

  15. 球队在中场休息时,受到他们领队惯例的训话。

    The team were given the usual half-time harangue by their manager .

  16. 教练在中场休息时给了我们一些十分必要的鼓励。

    The coach gave us a much-needed pep talk during the half .

  17. W:好的,中场休息一下。

    W : OK . It 's time for a short break .

  18. 法国队开始时领先,但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平。

    France took an early lead but Wales drew level before half-time .

  19. 我想,或许我该去开个公司,然后在中场休息的时候来现场售卖这些衣服!

    Maybe I should start a company and start selling them at halftime !

  20. 要不然肯定挺不到中场休息。

    Or you 'll never make it to halftime .

  21. adj.嘈杂的,喧哗的电影院的走廊上在中场休息时,挤满了喧闹的人群。

    vociferous Theatre lobbies were filled with a vociferous crowd during the intermission .

  22. 蒂姆·霍华德拦住了球,美国在中场休息时表现得很冷静。

    Tim Howard was equal , and America were level at the break .

  23. 就当是中场休息吧。

    Let 's just take it as an intermission .

  24. 我们中场休息一下

    And we 're just taking a little break .

  25. 在中场休息时征求球员的建议。

    Ask players for their input at halftime .

  26. 中场休息时油人队28比3领先,第三局开局时35比3领先。

    The Oilers were up 28-3 at halftime , 35-3 early in the 3rd .

  27. 奥克兰队中场休息的时候20:16领先。

    Auckland led 20-16 at the interval .

  28. 比赛期间不要讲话叽歪,等到中场休息或是比赛结束时再说话。

    No talking during the game , wait for half-time or end of the game .

  29. 都还没到中场休息呢这场比赛还长着呢

    Mm . It 's not even halftime . There 's still plenty ofgame left .

  30. 你在这干吗?球迷会的中场休息吗?

    What are you doing here , anyway ? Taking a break from your adoring fans ?