
  1. 《计算机研究与发展》2005年(第42卷)总目次

    Computer research and development vol · 42 contents

  2. 相应的成果已投计算机研究与发展杂志。

    The paper for SDCS has been submitted to the Journal of Computer Research and Development . 3 .

  3. 祝贺《石油学报》创刊十周年纪念《计算机研究与发展》创刊三十周年

    CONGRATULATION ON THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF ACTA PETROLEI SINICA The Thirtieth Anniversary of the Publication of This Journal

  4. 计算机科学的研究与发展,已经进入了一个网络的时代。

    With the research and development of computer science , the age of network is coming .

  5. 计算机视觉模型的研究与发展

    The research and development of computer vision model

  6. 第二章介绍了计算机视觉系统的基本体系结构和发展概况,提出了研究中存在的问题及解决的思路,最后总结了计算机视觉的研究领域与发展方向。

    In chapter 2 , the essential system structures and general developments of the computer vision system are introduced and the problems and their solving means in the research are presented . The research field and development direction of computer vision are summarized .