
  1. (xvii)计算机软件著作权登记中使用的软件分类码指南

    ( xvii ) Guide to Classified Coding of Software in Computer Software 's Registration

  2. (xviii)计算机软件著作权登记收费项目和标准(1992年4月18日)

    ( xviii ) The Item and Standard of Registration Expenses of Computer Software ( 18 April 1992 )

  3. GB/T16704-1996计算机软件著作权登记文件格式

    Document formats for registration of copyright in computer software

  4. 提供计算机软件著作权登记的全程代理。

    Provide service of software copyright registration .

  5. 其中非圆齿轮齿廓设计计算软件已获得计算机软件著作登记权(登记号:2009SR027139)。建立了非圆齿轮行星系分插机构的三维模型,进行了虚拟装配和虚拟动态仿真。

    The noncircular gear tooth profile algorithm copyrights of computer software was awarded ( Registration Number : 2009SR027139 ) . Construction the three dimensional model of separating mechanism with noncircular planetary system , the hypothesized assembly and the hypothesized dynamic simulation .