
chù diǎn
  • contact;contactor
触点 [chù diǎn]
  • [contact] 两个导体间可供电流通过的交接处或接触面

触点[chù diǎn]
  1. 采用B样条技术,实现了离散型刀触点轨迹的解析表达。

    Adopting B-spline technology , it is implemented to analytic expression of discrete cutter contact tool path .

  2. 解决PLC编程过程中的触点竞争问题的方法

    Solution of contact competition in progressing of programming by PLC

  3. 基于PLC控制的无触点补偿式电力稳压器

    Non - contact compensated voltage stabilizer based on PLC

  4. 对PLC触点进行合理的配置会大大提高操作的方便性,控制的合理性。

    Rational contact configurations can make the operation more convenient and improve the control effectively .

  5. 真正的多触点功能将允许读取每个手指位置的X和Y坐标。

    True multitouch capability would allow for an X and Y coordinate reading of each finger position .

  6. 结合一个液压试验台的设计实例,介绍了PLC控制器的触点的合理配置问题。

    Rational contact configuration of PLC in hydraulic test platform design is introduced in this paper with an example .

  7. 把继电器控制电路图直接移植成PLC梯形图是一种简捷可靠的设计方法。文章给出了采用移植法时应遵守的几条规则:输入触点常态规则;

    In this paper , we introduce some rules which are used to transplant the relay control circuit into the ladder diagram .

  8. 弹簧操动机构中DT触点存在的问题及解决方案

    DT Contact Problem in Spring Handling Mechanism and Its Solution

  9. 触点压力和,mg完全,相同,但是反向相反,否则永远都不会有平衡。

    And that contact force better be exactly the same as mg , but in opposite direction , otherwise there could never be equilibrium .

  10. 详细讲解了基于此项设计的PLC的触点配置的设计方法、高计数器及模拟量扩展单元的使用。

    In this paper , the design method and the use of high counter and analog quantity expanding unit have been introduced in detail .

  11. 今年,当palm公司推出pre手机时,苹果曾以该款手机使用了多触点界面为由,威胁要把palm告上法庭。

    This year , when palm launched the pre , apple threatened to sue palm over its multi-touch interface .

  12. 介绍了以STD微型计算机为控制核心的直流冲击波点焊机无触点换向控制器。

    A contactless commutation controller based on STD microcomputer for DC impulse wave spot welding machine is introduced .

  13. 基于激光无触点式三坐标测量仪所测得的曲面离散数据点,论文给出了一种用双三次B样条曲面插值来重构车身曲面的方法。

    Based on the discrete points on autobody surfaces measured by 3-D untouched laser scanner , this paper introduces a method of reconstructing surfaces from these points with cubic B-Spline surface interpolation .

  14. 该试验台数控系统采用IPC作为其控制主机,混合式步进电动机驱动,具有在线测量组合开关触点压降的功能。

    The system adopts IPC as its main control computer and is driven by hybrid stepping motor .

  15. 介绍《FG·8801L》型无触点式冲击试验装置技术指标、工作原理及装置的组成。

    This article summarizes the specification , principle and installation com-position of non-contact impulse tester .

  16. 首先,全部的“触点-线圈”元件被合并为一个从触点到LO端子的电流源。

    First , all the contact-to-coil elements were combined into a current source from the contact to LO .

  17. 浅析8K型电力机车有触点控制电路的PLC改造

    The Brief Analysis of the Retrofit for 8 K Model Electric Locomotive ′ s Contactor Control Circuit with PLC

  18. 采用SEM观察触点表面经电弧侵蚀后结构与成分的变化,分析触点对电弧响应的物理冶金过程。

    The structure and component change of contact surface were studied by SEM after arc erosion . The physical metallurgy process of contact surface was analyzed during arcing .

  19. SCR为无触点、静止元件,可有效降低设备运转故障率;

    The SCR is a static element switch without touch-point . It can efficaciously reduce to the failure rate of the device .

  20. 采用计算机ISA总线控制,通过继电器触点切换实现测试信号的分配。

    The allocation of test signals can be implemented through the switching of the contact spot controlled by ISA bus via .

  21. 触点间隙大于3mm,满足欧盟安全标准。

    Contact gap : Over3mm to meet European safety standard .

  22. 然而,尽管乔布斯敦促尽快研发后来运用于iPhone的多触点技术,但该项目仍在数年里一筹莫展。

    Yet despite the urgency with which Jobs instigated the development of what would become the iPhone 's multi-touch technology , the project languished for several years .

  23. 8路隔离开关量输出(DO)通道(无源触点,1A/220V);

    On-off signal isolated data output ( DO ) passways ( contact without power , 1A / 220V );

  24. 一般来说,功率管器件的欧姆接触触点以及栅极是采用金材料制作,但是在基于GaN的HEMT中如果仍采用金材料制作这些结构则必须采用特殊的CMOS制程工艺。

    Conventionally , gold is used for ohmic contacts and gate structures in power devices , but it makes GaN processing incompatible with conventional CMOS processing .

  25. 通过采用可编程控制器(PLC)控制,推动气缸实现多工位级进模内触点自动送进机构与自动冲床的行程协调。

    Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) has been used to control and impel the cylinder to make the automatic contact feeding operation inside the multi-position progressive die in line with the stroke of the automatic stamping machine .

  26. 如果用TouchPad启用了鼠标控制,请检查是否有足够的多触点检测以提供手势支持。

    If mouse control is enabled with the TouchPad , check for adequate multifinger detection for gesture support .

  27. 492Q汽油机应用电提前高能无触点分电器后性能研究

    A Study on the Performance of Model 492Q Gasoline Engine with Electrically-advanced Highpower Contactless Distributor

  28. 电弧燃烧过程中,利用高速摄像机拍摄电弧图像,采用USB数据采集卡采集触点电压和电流波形,并将电弧图像和波形传输至上位机。

    During the arcing process , the arc images are photographed with a high-speed camera , and the contact voltage and current waveforms are acquired with a USB data acquisition card , both of which are transferred to the computer .

  29. Ag-WC(12)-C3触点,在DZ(10)-100空气开关上通过了各项性能试验。

    Various property tests for Ag-WC_ ( 12 ) - C_3 contacts were passed when they were used in DZ_ ( 10 ) - 100 air switch .

  30. 新型直流固态继电器是一种以新型器件IGBT以及功率场效应管为核心的,全部由固态电子器件组成的新型无触点开关器件。

    The new type DC solid state relay is a kind of new contactless switching device , with the new type IGBT and power field effect tube as the core and composed completely by solid state electron devices .