
  • 网络fuel-pricing mechanism;oil product pricing system
  1. 中国目前实行的成品油定价机制引进自2009年5月。

    China 's current oil pricing system was introduced in May 2009 .

  2. 新成品油定价机制:改革方向及产业影响

    New Oil Products Pricing Mechanism : Reform Orientation and Its Influence on Industries

  3. 入世后中国成品油定价机制研究

    A Study on Chinese Finished Oil Pricing Mechanism after the Entry into WTO

  4. 成品油定价机制的探讨

    On Oil Price Mechanism

  5. 指出我国以国际市场为基础的成品油定价机制应考虑国内市场具体情况进行修正;

    Points out that revision of the product oil pricing mechanism based on international market should be made in consideration of the specific domestic market .

  6. 一些分析师认为,油价持续高企可能会迫使中国再次重新考虑成品油定价机制,减少其中的酌情考虑成分。

    Some analysts believe that continued high oil prices could force China to again reconsider its pricing mechanism and move towards a less discretionary system .

  7. 文中阐述了每个阶段的特征和影响,并对现行成品油定价机制的特点和不足及未来的改革方向作出了分析。

    This paper explained each reform stage 's characteristics and affection , and made an analysis to the present pricing mechanism 's characteristics , disadvantages and the future reform directions .

  8. 同时我国汽油价格随国际原油价格的调整也是上调迅速下调缓慢,即存在跟涨不跟跌的现象,暴露了现有成品油定价机制中的弊端。

    Meanwhile , the adjustment of gasoline prices in China to international crude oil prices also rise rapidly and falls slowly , which exposes the defects of the existing pricing mechanism .

  9. 成品油定价机制改革前和改革后,上调成品油价格对石油板块上市公司的影响是有差异的;下调成品油价格对石油上市公司市场价值的影响都不显著。

    There were different impacts before and after the refined oil pricing mechanism reform when oil prices raised ; but lower oil prices had no significant effects on oil companies stock price .

  10. 国家发改委发布的新成品油定价机制,是以成本为基础,加上厂商合理利润和国家税费加成定价。

    The new refined oil pricing mechanism set by the National Development and Reform Commission is based on cost , with a reasonable profit of manufactures and the state tax and fee added .

  11. 近期国际石油价格的频繁波动凸显出成品油定价机制的弊端,越来越多的学者专家呼吁市场化的成品油定价机制的出台。

    The recent frequent fluctuations of the international oil price highlight the drawbacks of the current finished-oil pricing mechanism . More and more scholars and experts call for the introduction of market-oriented finished-oil pricing mechanism .

  12. 完善后的成品油定价机制规定,当国际原油连续一段时间平均价格变化超过一定幅度时,可相应调整国内成品油价格。

    The new refined oil pricing mechanism provides that : when the international oil price changes exceed a certain degree in a continuous period of time , it can adjust the domestic prices of refined oil .

  13. 第四部分,对比分析国际上成品油定价机制的特点,结合我国入世后的情况,为油价的接轨总结可借鉴的经验。

    Part four summarizes useful experiences on the oil price integration using comparison analysis with international finished oil pricing mechanism , and with consideration of the actual particular situation of our country after the WTO entry .

  14. 本文在分析这种定价机制的现状及缺陷的基础上,构建了一种成品油倒逼定价机制。

    A backward pricing mechanism of refined oil is constructed based on the analysis of actuality and shortages of the new refined oil pricing mechanism .

  15. 1998年6月颁布的《原油、成品油价格改革方案》是对我国原油,成品油定价机制及成品油流通体制的重大改革。

    This price reform is an important revision of the pricing system for crude and oil products and the distribution system for oil products .