- glioblast;spongioblast;spongiotrophoblast

The Relation between Glioblastoma and PTEN Gene and NCAM
The more serum is , the more the glial cells are .
They then began an experiment on21 patients who had been diagnosed with glioblastoma .
A comparative study for intraoperative ultrasound and pathologic evaluation on resection of parenchymal brain tumours
In30 percent of glioblastoma controls , the cancer had spread to other organs , but the ascorbate-treated animals had no signs of disseminated cancer .
Next , researchers used a mouse model that expresses fluorescent biosensors in blood precursors to determine when , during embryonic age , precursors develop into microglia .
Objective To study regularity of apoptosis and its gene expression induced by Aidi .
The differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into oligodendrocyte under cerebral ischemia
BACKGROUND : Recently , many studies are focused on the dynamic changes of nestin expression when neural stem cells ( NSC ) and neural progenitor cells ( NPC ) differentiate into neurons and gliacytes .
As the totipotent cell of nervous system , neural stem cells ( NSCs ) have strong capability of splitting and proliferation , and can differentiate directionally to neurons and glial cells under the effect of many factors .
Results AP-2 α was expressed abundantly in the cultured neural crest cells , which were able to migrate and to differentiate into neurons and astrocytes as well . Conclusion The cardiac neural crest cells of mouse embryo can be successfully cultured in vitro .
Neural stem cells have the potential of self-renewal and can proliferate then differentiate into neurons and astrocytes under some condition , neural stem cells may be involved in neuronal function restoration . It was assumed that after maturation , the central nervous system is incapable of regenerating after injury .
In the system of cell culture , OPCs have proved to have the potency of cell differentiation , such as differentiating into oligodendrocyte cells , astrocytes , even neurons .