
  • 网络Criminal Justice;JUDICIAL JURISPRUDENCE;Justice Studies
  1. 司法学初论

    Argumentation of Judicial Jurisprudence

  2. 南京师范大学法学学士,美国马里兰大学刑事司法学硕士。

    Attorney Catherine Gao , graduated from University of Maryland and majored in international economical law .

  3. 医事司法学是一门医学与法学交叉的新兴边缘学科。

    The science of medical judicature is a new subject , which combines medicine with law .

  4. 在不断的学习中,作曲家,篮球运动员,小说作家,滑冰运动员,钢琴家,国际象棋棋手,司法学硕士等,这些人的钻研时间在不断的增加。

    In study after study , of composers , basketball players , fiction writers , ice-skaters , concert pianists , chess players , master criminals , this number comes up again and again .

  5. 从司法学、法律文化学和法律经济学等视角分析,当前,我国推行公益诉讼制度尚为时过早,应当慎重行事。

    From the perspectives of judicature , law culture and law economics etc. , the analyses of the present implementation of lawsuit system of public welfare is a little bit earlier , and we should be prudent in taking actions .

  6. 基于诉讼欺诈行为严重的社会危害性,我国司法学界对于诉讼欺诈的性质众说纷纭,主要有无罪说、诈骗罪说、敲诈勒索罪说和抢劫罪说等。

    Fraud lawsuits based on a serious social harm , my academic fraud , the nature of the proceedings , regardless of different opinions , mainly innocent , said that fraud , extortion and another to create a new offense that says so .

  7. 只有促成这种视域与范式的变化,才有真正的司法刑法学。

    Only with the change in purview and paradigm can we have judicial criminal law in the real meaning .

  8. 作为一个例证,对犯罪概念的司法刑法学解读与重述可以显示上述视域与范式转换的意义。

    And the interpretation and restatement of the concept " crime " in the perspective of judicial criminal law is expected , as an illustration , to demonstrate the significance of such kind of change .

  9. 近期以来,公益诉讼成了司法实务和学界讨论的热点问题。

    Public interest litigation has now become a heated topic in judicial practice and academic circles .

  10. 应当受刑罚处罚与应当负刑事责任的涵义不同,以致在司法实践中和学理上都令人产生疑惑。

    Such two respects are different from meaning , which creates doubts on study and judicial practice .

  11. 立法解释、司法解释、学理解释、法官适用解释各有其重心和作用。

    Legislative interpretations , judicial interpretations , theoretical interpretations , and criminal law application interpretations of judges have their key points and effects respectively .

  12. 究竟是合同纠纷还是合同诈骗,特别是在民事欺诈情况下的合同纠纷,一直是司法实践和学界研究中的一个难点。

    The problem of contract dispute or contract deceit , especially the contract dispute in the civil case , has been a difficult issue in the judicatory practice even educational circles .

  13. 近年来,民事公益诉讼在我国司法实务和学界讨论中也成为一大热点,但是这一制度在我国的民事诉讼立法中始终未得到认可。

    Recently , it has also been one of hotspots in judicial practices and academic discussions . However , the system has not been established in the civil procedural legislation yet .

  14. 不同观点部分列举了司法实践与学界对于城镇居民可否继承宅基地使用权的争议,主要是一方支持,一方反对。

    Different views are part of the judicial practice and academic circles for urban residents can inherit the land use right dispute , mainly is the party support , a party against .

  15. 如在日本民法没有规定物权请求权,但是司法判例和学界普遍承认物权请求权的存在。

    For example , the Civil Law of Japan does not provide for right of real claim , but legal precedents and theorists generally admit the existence of right of the real claim .

  16. 在刑法解释体系中,按照目前学界的主流观点,以解释主体的不同为标准,可以将刑法解释分为立法解释、司法解释与学理解释。

    The Criminal Law interpretation is divided into legislative interpretation , judicial interpretation and academic interpretation according to the mainstream views and the standard of different body of interpretation in Criminal Law interpretation system .

  17. 尽管目前对它的解读不一,但是相信随着相关的司法解释和学理解释的进一步完善,它对于打击传销犯罪将发挥重要的作用。

    Although there is different interpretations to it at present , we believe that with the improvement of the relevant judicial explanation and theoretical explanation , it will play an important role in the fight against pyramid selling crime .

  18. 从我国已有的司法实践和学界观点看,如果我国参加了上述公约,则该公约仅在具有涉外因素的船载有毒有害物质污染事故中适用。

    From the judicial practices and views of schools , in the case that the PRC has approved this international convention , only the incident of hazardous and noxious substances involved by foreign factors may be eligible to the application of the international convention .

  19. 论司法预算制度的学理构造

    On Doctrinal Building of the Judicial Budget

  20. 何教授的主要教学与研究兴趣包括比较犯罪学与刑事司法、量化方法学与警察学。

    Professor He 's primary teaching and research interests include comparative criminology and criminal justice , quantitative methodology and policing .

  21. 关于税收司法权,由于学界对此研究颇少,本文主要澎退了我国的税收争讼法律制度。

    Part IV : In regard to tax judicial power , since lacking of research on that , this thesis mainly discusses Chinese tax litigation system .

  22. 新闻学界迅速从传媒经营、新闻侵权与诉讼、舆论监督与司法公正、社会学和社会心理学等方面展开研究,传播学自身也因此得以深化。

    The world of journalism have started the study of news media running , journalism pirate and lawsuit , pubic supervision , sociology and social psychology , thereby the study of communication science has also been deepened .